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In Hyunjin's mind...

At first, Hyunjin saw darkness, and only darkness for what seemed like forever until a bright light shone in his eyes. He lifted his hands to shield his eyes from the bright light, blinking as he tried to regain his vision.

Where he had ended up...he didn't like the look of.

It was obvious he was in the middle of a battle, and he recognised the surroundings as the main part of District 8, near the council building. He looked around, but only saw blurred faces and almost muted voices. It seemed like their was shouting and various battle cries. Bodies were also strewn across this battle field.

Hyunjin looked down at his own hands, horrified to see blood there. He looked up, noticing a body with a severed head and a bloodied weapon lying not too far away.

'What the fuck is going on?' Hyunjin felt like screaming, but he couldn't.

Suddenly, the voices got louder, and the sounds of the battle became clearer. He could hear the clanging of swords and the screams of the dying. Hyunjin fell to his knees, putting his hands over his ears. Hyunjin let out a soundless scream.

This was a nightmare

Back to reality...

Hyunjin awoke with a startled scream, breathing heavily.

"Whoa, are you okay?" the familiar voice of Youngjae asks.

Hyunjin shakes his head 'no', glancing up at Youngjae.

"Get Changbinnie, please" Hyunjin's voice shook with fear.

The nightmare had shaken him to the core, and he honestly didn't know what to make of it. It was, after all, just a nightmare...


Youngjae, nods, leaving the medical tent to fetch Changbin. Hyunjin raised his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them as he rocked himself back and forth, trying to slow his breathing.

Was he having a Panic Attack?

He didn't even notice Changbin rush to his side, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Hyunjinnie! Hey, Hyunjin, snap out of it!" Changbin whisper yelled.

Hyunjin glanced at Changbin, his eyes glazed over with unshed tears.

"B-Binnie..." Hyunjin sniffled.

Changbin sighed softly, wrapping his arms around an obviously terrified Hyunjin. Changbin didn't ask why; he knew he would tell him at some point. He just held Hyunjin close, rocking his boyfriend back and forth.

Hyunjin's breathing returned to normal as he reached out his arms to wrap them around Changbin's waist.

"I love you Hyunjinnie" Changbin whispered, kissing the top of Hyunjin's head.

"I love you too Binnie" Hyunjin whispered back.

The two stayed like that for a long while before Hyunjin had finally drifted off to sleep. Hyunjin had shuffled over to let Changbin climb in beside him, and the two slept facing each other. Everything was fine...

For now

Aish, sorry for the extremely short chapter ;-; tbh, i didn't really know what else to do for this chapter anyway XD I hope you enjoyed it tho!

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