The Raging Storm

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Okay, J-just Uhm, put down your weapons for a second....plz don't kill me ;-; also, this might be a short chapter...

Chan left the tent, the wind blowing and thw rain falling heavily. Lightning struck nearby, illuminating Chan's face. Chan's eyes were searing red, and he was prepared for a fight.

"What the fuck was that sound!?" BamBam exclaimed over the loud noise of the raging storm.

"It's Zalu! He's here!" Chan answered, his expression angry as he was prepared for that beast to come crashing through the fence.

Sure enough, Zalu had jumped over the fence, but so had Lisa as she stood in front of the massive wolf like creature.

"Well Channie" Lisa giggled, "looks like I'm gonna have to get you to cooperate with the hard way" Lisa smirked wickedly.

"You honestly think he can beat me? I've beat him before! I'm stronger than you think!" Chan shouted.

Felix had ran out of the medical tent when he heard the arguing, and stopped dead when he saw a massive black wolf like monster not too far away from Chan, snarling and growling.

Just then, Jooheon, Hyunjin and Hyun-Jae had entered the District from the secret passageway, and Lisa smirks at them.

"Oh goody, more people to watch as I destroy Channie" Lisa cackled.

"Like fuck that's happening!" Hyun-Jae exclaimed.

She handed Hyunjin over to Jooheon who took the injured boy to Youngjae's medic tent. Felix stood there in shock.

His sister was alive!?

"H-Hyunnie?" Felix whimpered.

Hyun-Jae turns to Felix, smiling softly.

"Hey baby bro" "b-but, you were dead. I-I saw you..." Felix sniffled.

"I'll explain later, I promise" Hyun-Jae says, turning to Lisa, "you wanna kill Chan!? You'll have to go through me first!" Hyun-Jae storms over to stand next to Chan, glaring at Lisa.

"With pleasure. Zalu, stay" she tells the beast as she prepares herself to fight.

Hyun-Jae runs at Lisa, her fist raised. Lisa laughs, dodging the blow as she grabs Hyun-Jae by the back of her cloak and throws her backwards and onto the ground.

"You have no chance against me Hyunnie" Lisa chuckles.

Hyun-Jae growls as she flips herself back up into a standing position, running at Lisa again. Thw two clash, trying hard to push one another away. Then, Lisa did something Hyun-Jae didn't expect.

Lisa leaned in and bit a huge chunk of flesh out of her shoulder.

Hyun-Jae screamed in pain, which gave Lisa the advantage. Lisa pushed Hyun-Jae onto her knees, turning her around so she was facing Chan, BamBam and Felix.

Felix went to run to Hyun-Jae, but was stopped by BamBam holding him back.

"No, let me go! HYUNNIE!" Felix screamed.

"Any last words Hyun-Jae?" Lisa asks with an evil smirk.

Hyun-Jae looks at Chan, tears in her eyes.

"Look after him Channie. He loves you. Fight for him" Hyun-Jae smiles sadly.

Chan nods numbly, silently promising to look after Felix.

Lisa then snaps her neck, and Hyun-Jae falls to the ground dead, her eyes lifeless once again.

Felix screamed and struggled against BamBam's grip; he had just witnessed his sisters death a second time, but Minho would never know...

Felix then roared angrily, his eyes changing from brown to the black and red combo.

Felix was going to do whatever it took to kill Lisa.....

Oh god...why did I do that....oh fuck my heart....oh my Jisoos....*cries in a corner* IM SORRY GUYS! I was in a toss up between writing it and not writing it...but I wrote it....oh jeez....

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