That Girl

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And in this chapter, I finally introduce Lisa! Remember when I said something could throw a wrench in the ChanLix ship in chapter 11 'Today Will Always Be Better Than Yesterday'? This is it >:)

When Chan and Felix finished their conversation, Felix retreated back to the tent he shared with Minho, Hyunjin and Changbin, still a bit shaken by Chan's words; those hurtful memories still haunting his mind. Chan was still dwelling on the past, and the girl who broke his heart. Lisa was her name. Long blonde hair, soft brown eyes, but a cold heart. Or rather, no heart. Lisa led him to believe she loved him, and he fell hard for her.

That's why he doesn't allow himself to fall for anyone else, and he knows that, slowly, he's starting to feel a sort of attraction towards Felix. He can't let that happen, not again. 

Never again.

As Chan was lost in thought, Minho had gone off to train with Jackson again, JB was probably watching over the two knucklehead couple BamBam and Yugyeom, and Jungkook was most likely still getting healed by Youngjae. Jimin and Taehyung were obviously avoiding Chan, because they were hanging around but they refused to even glance at Chan's bus.

Chan sighed heavily; maybe he was too harsh with his punishment. Not only did he trigger Felix, but he also more than likely scarred Jimin for life because of his actions. Jimin was a little shit just like Jungkook, but he hadn't seen anything so gruesome before, so in a way Chan had tainted his innocence. Chan rubbed his face in annoyance.

'Fuck, I am starting to get soft' Chan cursed to himself, glaring at nothing in particular.

He needed to assert his dominance sometimes, and that felt like the only way. That and he needed to stop Jungkook and Jimin from causing trouble somehow. It was difficult being a leader sometimes, but he honestly wouldn't trade it for anything.

Even if he sometimes wished he still had her...


Meanwhile, in District 8...

Lisa, along with two hooded figures, wander the streets of District 8, a wicked smirk on Lisa's face as she walked toward the council building. She entered the building with an air of bloodlust surrounding her, making every creature in that room, including her companions, wince at the feeling.

"Ah, Lisa, there you are" Seokjin smiled fondly.

'This bumbling idiot still loves me, I see. Well, I guess I can play along for a little while longer' she mentally sighs, but her outward expression holds a lovestruck look.

She had to keep up appearances so no one knew her real motives. She was going to destroy both Chan and Seokjin, but Chan would come first before Seokjin. At least Seokjin treated her like a queen rather than someone as low as Chan was.

"You wanted me for something love?" Lisa asked in a sickeningly sweet tone that even made herself cringe internally.

Lisa's male companion snickered, but was instantly silenced by the sideways death glare Lisa sent him.

"Yes, yes I did. But first, who are your companions?" Seokjin asked suspiciously.

"Seokjin, you know who they are. They have no need to show themselves to you again" Lisa chuckled, wanting nothing more than to tear Seokjin to shreds.

"Anyway, other than that, how are your plans coming along?" Seokjin asks.

"They're going along fine" Lisa smirked.

"But how are you so sure that Chan is still alive?" Seokjin raises an eyebrow.

Seokjin had always thought that Chan had died either from starvation or another creature devouring him, but he was so, so wrong, and Lisa knew.

"I don't, but if he is I'm sure you'd want him dead anyway. By the way, I'm guessing it's not just because of me that you two stopped being friends" Lisa pouted, feigning sadness.

"Oh sweetheart" Seokjin frowned, walking over to Lisa, "it isn't your fault, it was his own. are right" Seokjin nodded.

"About what?" Lisa had to hide her smirk; she knew what he was about to say.

"You were not the only reason. He...he killed my father"


And back in District 9, a few hours later...

So far, Minho was kind of enjoying the training. As Jackson had said, he was going fairly easy on Minho, and Jackson was actually quite impressed at how fast Minho progressed in just two days. There was one thing, however, that Jackson didn't like about Minho, and it was the fact that Minho would always put himself down whenever he messed up, saying how he was always a 'failure' or something similar.

"What were your parents like huh? It's obvious you didn't get that kind of thinking from your brother" Jackson chuckled as he walked back to the tents with Minho.

Minho froze, sighing heavily.

"Let's just say, before shit went down as they say, Felix was the favourite. Because he was a demon/human hybrid, he was rare. Most of the time, when demons and know, they produce a human like ninety eight percent of the time. Yes, even then it was dangerous to harbor a hybrid, because there were some who would pay money for a dead or alive hybrid, but the leader at the time wasn't all like 'all hybrids are dangerous and shouldn't be alive' like Seokjin is. Anyway, not the point get what I mean" Minho smiles weakly.

Jackson raised an eyebrow.

"So your parents put you down a lot?" Jackson asked.

"No, they didn't, but they did favour him over me, so I was pushed aside and left out of things a lot" Minho sighed, "but it's all good, at least my brother cared for me" Minho smiled.

"You and your brother seem really close...a lot closer than Hyunjin and Seungmin" Jackson frowned.

"Seungmin and Hyunjin are brothers?" Minho was surprised.

"Yeah, they are. Well, half-brothers. Different mother, same father" Jackson shrugged.

Minho just nods, walking back to his, Felix, Hyunjin and Changbin's shared tent. Jackson then notices a figure walking towards where the tear is in the gate, and it looks like Hyunjin.

'I wonder what he's up to?'

Warning, incoming drama XD no, I'm serious, shit has begun to go down now. Don't worry, I'll still develop the MinSung ship, ChanLix will still take a while sorry :? Also, idk if I like this chapter...meh, whatevs, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter at least XD

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