Gut Feeling

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And here, we are going to have a lil bit of HyunBin fluff :3 I feel like doing a couple of fluffy pairing chapters considering the past few got really heavy, intense and sad REAL QUICK so yeah...

Also, last time I checked this story had 1.08k reads...WHEN TF DID IT GET TO 2.1K READS!?!?!? I'm so proud :')


With Hyunjin...

Hyunjin stops near the tear in the tent, his expression blank as he stares at the person now squeezing through.

"So, how's Channie doing hm?" the person asks.

"He's the same as always" Hyunjin shrugs, "but why would you care anyway Lisa?"

"Tsk tsk, Hyunjin, you know why. I want to destroy him, I want him weak enough so I can squeeze into that pretty little heart of his again" Lisa smirked devilishly.

Hyunjin glares at her.

"Chan's heart is closed off because of you. What makes you think he'll open his heart for you again?" Hyunjin scoffs.

"I have my ways, Hyunjinnie" Lisa giggles, holding up a tiny glass jar with a green liquid.

Hyunjin's eyes widen as he stares at Lisa.

"You wouldn't..." Hyunjin whispered.

"It's not poison, you dumbass, it'll just wipe his memory of ever meeting me" Lisa rolled her eyes, scoffing, "but I won't be doing will" Lisa handed the tiny jar of liquid over to Hyunjin, "next time J comes back with human flesh for Chan and BamBam, you put this in his food" Lisa instructs.

"And what if I don't succeed?" Hyunjin dares to ask.

"Well then, I'll just have to kill Changbin if that happens, and I'm sure you don't want your precious little Binnie dead. And I'll know if you tell someone" Lisa growls.

"How?" Hyunjin wonders.

"I have my ways" Lisa snaps, before turning around and walking away, her companions in tow.

Hyunjin sighs heavily, hiding the small jar of green liquid in his cloak as he walks back to the tents, his head hanging low. He really didn't want to do this, but to protect Changbin he'd do the fucking impossible just to keep his love safe. He'd lay down his life for Chan, sure, but he'd do that and more for his Binnie baby.

Jackson saw Hyunjin's head hanging low, and he wondered what was wrong, but he didn't go up and ask for some odd reason. His gut told him something wasn't right, but he couldn't quite figure out why or what. One thing that he knew for sure is that you should always trust your gut feeling, because it could be right. He wasn't the only one with a gut feeling, because Changbin had a feeling something wasn't right either. When Hyunjin took his cloak off, Changbin wandered out of the tent and saw a troubled expression on Hyunjin's face.

"Are you okay babe?" Changbin asked softly.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Hyunjin smiled weakly.

Changbin wasn't stupid; he knew something was wrong but he wasn't gonna push it. Changbin knew Hyunjin wouldn't hide anything from him, but then why did something in him say that Hyunjin was hiding something? Hyunjin saw the little frown Changbin got every time he thought about something too much, and chuckled softly.

"Seriously Binnie, it's all good" Hyunjin wrapped his arms around Changbin's waist, pulling him close as he leaned down to place a soft kiss on Changbin's forehead, "and you really need to stop frowning like that, you'll get wrinkles old man" Hyunjin joked.

"Hey, I'm only a year older than you!" Changbin huffed.

"Well then, you're really old" Hyunjin tutted.

Changbin looked up at Hyunjin, his face expressionless but his eyes were angry.

"Hyunjin, you have three seconds to start running" the shorter male growled out.

Hyunjin unwrapped his arms from around Changbin, quickly running away as Changbin chased after him. Hyunjin laughed loudly, and Changbin couldn't supress the small chuckle that escaped him. They loved little moments like this, especially when no one in District 8 knew of their existence. Well, at least that's what Changbin thought. Hyunjin, though he was also loving this small moment, couldn't stop his mind from wandering to earlier with Lisa. District 9 now had a threat, a bad one.

Thing is, he didn't really know how bad the situation really was. Seokjin had a secret weapon up his sleeve, one that would unleash hell on District 9.

Hyunjin was interrupted from his thoughts by Changbin catching up to him, forcefully turning the taller around and pushing him down onto the dirt, straddling the younger male. Changbin's anger was long gone, and a small smirk was present on his face.

"Gotcha" Changbin giggled.

"Indeed you did" Hyunjin mirrored Changbin's smirk as he flipped them over so he was towering over the top of Changbin.

Changbin's legs wrapped themselves around Hyunjin's waist like second nature as he let out a puff of air, laughing softly.

"What are you laughing at?" Hyunjin raised an eyebrow at the laughing boy beneath him.

"It's just..." Changbin stopped laughing, his smirk replaced with a look of fondness, "we haven't had a moment to ourselves like this in a while" Changbin smiled softly.

Hyunjin nodded, his smirk replaced with a sweet smile. Hyunjin said nothing, however, instead he leaned down to place a gentle but passionate kiss on Changbin's lips. Well, the kiss started out that way, but it soon grew heated and rough. Changbin, after a few moments, placed a hand on Hyunjin's chest, pushing the younger away slightly.

"Not out here" Changbin huffed.

Hyunjin nodded, leaning back as he picked Changbin up off the ground and stood, Changbin making sure to keep his legs wrapped tightly around Hyunjin's waist. Changbin giggled, Hyunjin smiling at the cute little sound as the two went somewhere more private to finish what they started.

Like I said, I will write nothing more than heated makeout sessions istg, that's it! Yes, I did just imply that they did in fact do you know what, BUT I AIN'T WRITING IT FFS! Well...I mean, that COULD change but idk...

Also, I feel like I should clear this up, but Lisa knows that Chan is still alive due to Hyunjin telling her. He only tells her to protect Changbin because she threatened to kill him if he didn't do as she asked, so yeah, that's why that happened at the beginning of the chapter where Lisa said she'd kill Changbin if he failed to do as she asked. He's also gonna play another major role, but I won't get to that yet.

Y'all have no idea how excited I am to write that when it happens though, cuz I have some great ideas swirling around in my head hehe

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