Falling Again

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Taehyung pushed Bang Chan away, snarling at him, his eyes still pitch black.

"That's total bullshit, and you know it" Taehyung spat.

"Honestly...I wish it was" Chan frowned.

Taehyung sputtered a bit, glaring at Chan.

"You can't be serious...are you serious? Is this just some sick fucking joke?" Taehyung was in disbelief.

"Once again...I really wish it was" Chan was shaking slightly.

"Or maybe you're just lying to hide your feelings for that Felix boy" Taehyung smirked, "I haven't been here this whole time, I have been outside, wandering around, and I've seen the looks you give him every time he left that tent"

"How do you know him? And how the hell do you know his name?" Chan narrowed his eyes at Taehyung.

"Jungkook's seen him around District 8, causing trouble, getting into fights" Taehyung shrugged, "but that's about it"

Chan nodded as he processed the information. Honestly...Taehyung was right. He was lying, but for good reason. He didn't want to open his heart again, not to anyone. He was hurt badly the first time, and he didn't want to go through that again. It took him months to get over the shit Lisa pulled on him. And plus, he needed to keep his District safe.

But unbeknownst to him, all he was doing was making things a lot worse...


Lisa was strutting around the place, and it was pissing Jisung right off. The Incubus hated this; hated her presence. It was like a foul stench of rotting flesh that hung in the air and followed her everywhere she walked.

She was obviously looking for Chan, and Jisung was so close to ripping her throat out. Minho had come out of the dungeons, looking sullen and a bit lost as to what to do. Jisung had a feeling Hyunjin had lied, but the reason as to why was something that Jisung had no idea of.

And he had a feeling he really didn't want to know.

Jisung wanted to walk over to Minho and comfort him, but they barely knew each other and Jisung was already falling head over heels for the older male. Jisung was furious though, and he couldn't comfort whom he thought was his Mate in that kind of mindset.

Jisung growled at himself, pulling at his hair. Minho glanced at Jisung, frowning as he cautiously took a few small steps closer to the younger. When he was close enough, he suddenly wrapped his arms around Jisung in a hug. Jisung stopped pulling at his hair, letting his arms fall to his side. He leaned into the hug gratefully, slowly but surely calming himself down.

Minho's hug made him feel warm and fuzzy on the inside; made him feel wanted...made him feel loved. Jisung could kiss him...

And that is exactly what he did. (Fucking finally ugh. I have been waiting to write this forfuckingever, and now I'm FINALLY getting around to it!)

Jisung turned his head and before Minho could react he smashed his lips against the dark haired boys. Minho was in shock, and he didn't kiss back. Jisung broke the kiss, feeling guilty as he bent his head down to stare at the ground. Minho slowly unwrapped his arms from around Jisung, who whimpered at the loss of contact from his Mate. His eyes shone with unshed tears, sniffling a little.

"Jisungie, I'm right here" Minho spoke softly.

Jisung looked up, biting his bottom lip to stop it from wobbling. Minho smiles softly, leaning in and starting a new, softer kiss between them. Jisung kissed back just as softly, not wanting to ruin this amazing moment between them. Jisung rested his hands on Minho's mid-section whereas Minho gripped Jisung's shoulders, the kiss slowly growing more heated.

Jisung growled at the back of his throat; ever since the moment he had known Minho was special to him, he had wanted to do this, and if Minho were to be completely honest he wanted this too. Jisung, as flirtatious as he seemed, he didn't act like someone who'd go off and sleep around with many people. He seemed the type to stay loyal.

But Jisung felt a pang of guilt overtake him. A part of him still felt something for Jeongin, and a certain someone was about to play that to their advantage...

Oooooh more draaaamaaaa! Strap yourselves in, this is gon' be a bumpy ride 😂😂😂

And yeah, okay, I kinda lied in the previous A/N. I'm still out, but I somehow managed to finish the chapter for some odd reason haha

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