A Beast

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I don't even know which direction this story is trying to go TBH XD There's so much talk about the past and it's only day 3 since Felix and Minho were exiled jeezus. However, I feel like all of this is basically setting up the plot for the good bits of the story :3 Trust me when I say that shit will go down at some point...

The day started quite dully, but Felix felt fine enough to at least sit outside and breathe in some fresh air. Whilst he was getting some fresh air, he saw the familiar figure of Chan walking over to him. Felix was a bit upset with him to be honest, but he was more upset with himself with how he reacted to Chan's words. He should be over it by now. It was 8 years ago...

He was snapped out of his thoughts by Chan sitting down and blurting out a 'I'm sorry'. It's rare that Chan apologises, but Felix doesn't know that. Felix took a guess as to what Chan seemed to be apologising for, and sighed heavily.

"You don't have to apologise for that. Honestly, I shouldn't have reacted that way. I should've drop kicked you" Felix deadpanned.

Chan chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

"What makes you think you could drop kick me eh?" Chan asked.

"Hybrid's, especially my type of hybrid, are a lot stronger than human slash something hybrids and purebloods. Something about being mixed species I guess" Felix shrugged.

"And how would you know that huh?" Chan turned his head to face Felix, but Felix didn't even bother facing Chan.

"When I was fighting in bars and such to earn some money for Minho and I, I went against a lot of pureblood creatures. I stopped going that though after someone had found out about my Ghoul side. They knew I was a demon, but it took a while for someone to figure out that I was also half Ghoul" Felix explained.

"Who found out?" Chan asked.

"I don't know what his name was, but he had silvery hair, pale kinda skin and buff as hell. He was also a Vampire, and Vampires are known to have a great sense of smell so I'm not surprised he found out. Unfortunately, because everyone knew I was basically a criminal, I couldn't get a job, so Minho and I were poor and homeless after that whole ordeal" Felix scoffed.

Chan just nods, listening intently.

"Why did you react the way you did? Was it something I said that triggered you?" Chan asks softly, which even surprised himself.

Why was he a softie around this new person? Why was he being so gentle with Felix even though he barely knew him? Maybe he reminded him of someone, someone he knew years ago.

Felix hesitated, but he nodded slowly.

"It was...when you said the words 'publically executed' it...triggered a memory" Felix sighed heavily, "well, more like a fucking nightmare"

Chan nodded, his facial expression unreadable but his eyes held sympathy.

"You don't have to tell me" Chan turned his head away from Felix, looking out into the landscape.

Felix was silent for a long while before he finally spoke again. He didn't want to tell Chan, but maybe it would be good for him for someone else to know, and even as harsh and brutal Chan seemed, he knew the older was a softie deep down.

"My sister, Hyun-Jae was publically executed. I was 10, and I saw it all happen" Felix spoke with a shaking voice.

The name grabbed Chan's attention.

"I knew someone called Hyun-Jae. Wait, your last name is Lee isn't it?" Chan asked.

Felix nods, now confused.

"Yeah, it is. Why?" Felix asked.

"....I knew your sister then" Chan chuckled softly.

"Wait, you knew my sister!? Then how come I never knew about you!?" Felix whisper yelled.

"I've been here in District 9 since I was 14, and we had to keep under the radar. I guess your sister didn't want you and your brother knowing because it would put both you two and I in massive danger. Not even Seokjin knows that I'm still alive. He thinks I'm dead, and I hope he never finds out I'm alive" Chan frowned.

"What would happen if he did?" Felix wondered.

"Because if he does...I know what Seokjin's secret weapon is, thanks to your sisters snooping, and I know that not even you would be able to defeat him, not now anyway" Chan shuddered.

"What, were you close with this secret weapon?" Felix smirked, an eyebrow raised as he turned to face Chan.

Chan turned his head, a serious look in his eyes that made Felix's smirk drop instantly.

"I wouldn't say I was close, no, rather I kicked his ass once but he never learned his fucking lesson" Chan huffed.

"So, it's a person?" Felix was utterly confused now.

"No, it's a beast. The strength and speed of a wolf and the bloodlust of a vampire, and it can shift between a normal human and a ten foot tall wolf that stands on its hind legs" Chan shuddered, "and if Seokjin were to find out of my existence, he'd unleash that monster on us" Chan sighed.

"Does Seokjin want you dead or something?" Felix asked.

Chan turned away from Felix, nodding.

"Let's just say...we used to be somewhat friends...but a girl tore us apart, a girl I now hate"

Heyho, here ya go! WOW this is getting interesting, even I'm excited! TBH I'm excited for when I finally get to the part where ChanLix happens XD And I'm finally getting to the part where I introduce Lisa! Also, I foreshadowed hardcore in this chapter, whoops. I may have also hinted at something as well...hehe. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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