Part Of The Plan

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Felix had wandered off on his own, exploring District 9 a little bit. He found that behind the warehouse there was a river, but where did it lead?

He stood there, so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice someone sneaking up behind him with a shovel in hand.

"Lights out, pretty boy" Felix heard someone whisper.

Before he could turn around, the figure smacked him over the head just enough to knock him out cold. The figure then throws the knocked out Felix over their shoulder, silently carrying the hybrid through District 9 unnoticed.

About 2 hours later, Chan was beginning to worry. Felix hadn't come back, and Chan was wondering where he had gone off to. Chan wandered around everywhere, but found no sign of Felix.

However, he did 'catch a scent' as they say, which was near the river behind the warehouse. Chan frowned; Felix wasn't there either, but he had been.

That's when he caught a familiar scenes mingled with Felix's.


Chan growled, cursing inwardly before storming through the warehouse, startling BamBam with the loud 'fuck' he let out.

"What the hell is wrong now?" BamBam sighed.

"I think Lisa took Felix" Chan spat.

BamBam just nodded, letting out an 'oh' sound.

"So, what are you going to do about it?" BamBam asked.

"We are going to District 8 and getting him back" Chan huffed.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what do you mean we?" BamBam raised an eyebrow.

"You, me and Jooheon. Jooheon knows the place and he can get us in without being detected" Chan sighed, "it's the only way"


In District 8...

Lisa had thrown Felix onto the ground, glaring at him. They were in a forest, with Woojin standing not too far away.

"Woojinnie, tie him to the tree please?" Lisa asked.

Woojin nodded, walking over to the still knocked out Felix and dragging him over to a tree...

A tree with a noose hanging on it.

Woojin untied the noose, using it to tie Felix to the tree tightly. Woojin thought it was a bit strange that a noose was there, but he thought someone must have killed themselves there. What he didn't realise was that they were at the exact place that Jooheon and Chan found him hanging from that very tree...

The exact place Woojin had told Jooheon to kill him.

(Yup, that's right, Jooheon killed Woojin. Well, rather Woojin had told Jooheon to kill him hehe)

Lisa knew this, because she had seen it happen. She was right there, watching, because she had asked Jooheon to kill him. Even back then, Jooheon was pretending to play the bad guy. What Lisa didn't know was that Woojin wanted to die, and had asked Jooheon to kill him even before Lisa did.

Not that Woojin remembered any of that. As far as Woojin knew, from what Lisa told him, Chan had killed him.

After about half an hour, Felix started to stare, blinking slowly as he came to.

"Well, well, well, look who's finally awake" a female voice chuckled.

When Felix's eyes fully opened, his vision locked onto Lisa, and he growled, struggling to try and get out of the tightly tied rope.

"You bitch! You killed my sister!" Felix snarled.

"She had it coming" Lisa scoffed, "she was annoying anyway, just like you. No wonder you two were related"

Felix growled, struggling even more, but the rope was too tight and he felt like he was losing strength.

"W-what the fuck did you do to me?" Felix snarled again.

"Oh, I just gave you some of this" she held up a half empty vial of blue liquid, "not enough to knock you out, but just enough to weaken you, make sure you can't escape" Lisa smirked.

"Why am I even here anyway!?" Felix exclaimed, now much too weak to keep struggling.

"You're part of my plan" Lisa spoke with a false sweet tone.

"Your plan to what? Kill Channie?" Felix growled.

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner" Lisa giggled, "you're smarter than you look"

"Hah, like fuck you could take on Chan" Felix smirked, "he'd beat your ass in three seconds flat"

"But you see, if he even attempts to do so, and doesn't hand over his District to me...I'll kill you" Lisa smirks, "because you're his weakness"

I feel like these chapters are becoming a lil too short? IDK...but I hope you enjoyed it anyway

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