Death Wish

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In District 8, the Council Building...

Hyunjin was roughly thrown onto the floor of the main council room, a loud 'oof' sound escaping him. He had awoken from being knocked out a few moments before they had entered the council building. Hyunjin slowly got up into a kneeling position, looking around.

"What the fuck!? Why am I here!?" Hyunjin exclaimed.

"You're here" Lisa's voice spoke up, "because I know you didn't do as I asked" Lisa growled.

"What do you mean?" Hyunjin feigned confusion, "of course I did! I showed you the vial! It was empty!" Hyunjin tried to reason with her.

"I'm not fucking stupid Kim Hyunjin!" Lisa yelled, kicking Hyunjin in the side of the head with her boot, causing Hyunjin to fall over sideways, "now, how shall I kill little Binnie Hm?" Lisa cackled.

"You touch him and and I'll fucking kill you, you bitch!" Hyunjin spat.

"I'd like to see you try you pathetic excuse for a human" Lisa smirked.

"Oh, you think I'm the pathetic one here!? You're the one petty to let others do your dirty work rather than do it yourself!" Hyunjin shot back.

Lisa kicked him again, this time hard in the stomach.

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing now huh!?" Lisa exclaimed as Hyunjin spat blood onto the floor, "I should kill you"

"Then why don't you!?" Hyunjin shouted.

"Because, I need you alive for my plan to work" Lisa huffed, crossing her arms.

"And what plan is that?" Hyunjin growled out.

"For Chan to come here and rescue you like the good leader he is" Lisa smirked.

"He'll kill you for this" Hyunjin glared at Lisa.

"I don't know why he's so protective over you" Lisa scoffed, "you're not even his real brother yet he treats you like one. It's sickening" Lisa rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, well it's not like my real brother was any good to me" Hyunjin growled.

(Wait for iiiiiit 😏😏😏😏)

"Aw, I'm hurt. Do you really think so bad of me little brother?" A new voice speaks up.

"Hello Seokjin" Hyunjin spits his name like its poison.

(*waits patiently for the 'OMG WTF' comments to roll in* 😏)

"Well, I guess your gut feeling was right Lisa" Seokjin turned to Lisa, "Chan is still alive"

"I'm pretty sure he's been in hiding from us for years too" Lisa nods.

"You two have a fucking death wish, playing around with Chan like this. You do know he's close with the demon brothers Leo and Ravi right?" Hyunjin smirks.

"What?" Seokjin asks.

"Yeah, that's right. He's very close friends with Leo and Ravi, considering because Jackson and Ravi are uncle and nephew and Jackson is JB's boyfriend and JB and Chan have like dual leadership over District 9" Hyunjin explained, chuckling as he stared Seokjin straight in the eyes, "you're playing with the wrong people brother. You know how much of a loose canon the Demon brothers are" Hyunjin yelped in pain as he was kicked again.

"Will you just shut your mouth? We don't need your stupid explanations" Lisa scoffed, "and besides, I'm sure Leo and Ravi have weaknesses" Lisa smirked.

"Actually, they don't" a new voice spoke up.

It was Jooheon.

"Jooheon, what are you doing?" Seokjin asked, confused.

"I'm blowing my own cover. I'm sick of playing the bad guy with you do fucking idiots. You really do have a death wish. Leo and Ravi are practically insane, and they're powerful and influential as well. There's no way in fucking hell you would ever be able to beat them" Jooheon explains calmly.

"Idiots huh?" Seokjin growled, "Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon, kill him!" Seokjin ordered his guards.

Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi ran at Jooheon, but Namjoon was suddenly thrown backwards by a new person that had entered the room.

"Hyun-Jae" Lisa growled.

"Yeah, that's right. I'm not playing your games anymore either" Hyun-Jae snarled.

Lisa ran at Hyun-Jae, but the dark haired girl was expecting it and she round kicked Lisa, causing the strawberry blonde haired girl to dly backwards into a wall. Jooheon had easily beaten the shit out of Hoseok and Yoongi, who were in the floor in massive amounts of pain.

Seokjin had ran out of the room, not wanting to be hurt. Jooheon scoffed at the cowardly actions Seokjin was showing. He was amazed that Seokjin was still the leader of the district.

"I mean, I would get up" Hyunjin winced, "but I'm in a bit of pain right now"

Jooheon chuckled, walking over to Hyunjin and helping him to his feet.

"C'mon, I'll give you a piggy back" Jooheon smirked.

Hyunjin nodded, grateful that Jooheon was helping him. The three then left the council building and headed for District 9.

Jooheon would figure out what to do with the rest of the Monsta X Clan later...

Okay...this probably isn't one of the best chapters I've written TBH...sorry, ik it's so poorly written and terrible but like, ita thw best I could come up with rn, sowwy ;-;

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