Traitor part 2

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Just curious; what has been your guys' favourite part in the story so far? Just wondering 😊 IDK what my fav part to write was...

Jooheon entered the Council building, a smirk on his face as he walked the long hallway to the main part where all the trials and such took place...where Seokjin was. The main Council room was shaped like a circle with a high roof made of glass so you could see the midday sun peeking through it, giving the rook natural lighting. The walls were cream coloured, and on one of the walls it had all the names and pictures of the previous leaders of District 8, including the current leader Seokjin. The floor was marble and shiny, considering it was cleaned twice to three times a week by the cleaners. As of that moment, there were cleaners cleaning the red velvet chairs on raised marble steps that surrounded the circular floor in between.

In the middle of the floor was a single metal chair with straps that Jooheon not so gently dropped Hyungwon onto, causing the younger to groan in pain as he came to whilst Jooheon strapped him to the chair tightly.

Once Hyungwon realised where he was, his eyes widened and he struggled against his binds.

"I wouldn't struggle too much if I were you" Jooheon smirked.

Hyungwon glared at Jooheon, wanting nothing more than to choke him.

"Fuck you traitor" Hyungwon spat.

Jooheon scoffed, pressing a button that caused the chair to electrocute Hyungwon just enough to cause him to let out a loud scream.

'Fuck, of course it had to an electric chair' Hyungwon cursed.

Jooheon chuckled as Seokjin and Lisa enter the room, a wicked smirk on Lisa's face.

"Okay Hyungwon, what do you know about these two?" Seokjin asks as he gets close enough, holding up a piece of paper with pictures of two men; one with platinum blonde hair and the other with shoulder length wavy dark hair.

"Leo and Ravi? What do you want with the Demon brothers?" Hyungwon raises an eyebrow.

Leo is the leader of Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4, and is one of the most influential demons alive. Not to mention, the first ever demon to ever live...literally.

"It isn't want I want with them, it's what I want from them. I want information about Bang Chan" Seokjin growls.

"Bang Chan's dead" Hyungwon deadpanned, "you publicly exiled him to the abandoned District remember? He more than likely died years ago" Hyungwon grunts in pain as he's once again electrocuted.

"Don't talk to me like that" Seokjin glared at Hyungwon, "and I have a sneaking suspicion Bang Chan is still alive somehow" Seokjin huffed.

"Well, what do you want with me then!?" Hyungwon exclaimed.

"You know someone who knows these two well, well enough to get them to talk" Seokjin smirked.

"I don't know anyo-AGH!" Hyungwon yelled in pain as he was electrocuted for the third time.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" Seokjin's voice boomed, echoing throughout the room.

"I'm not lyi-FOR FUCK SAKE, I'M NOT LYING!" Hyungwon screamed as he was electrocuted at least two times as much as the last three times.

One lone tear ran down Hyungwon's face, a soft whimper escaping him.

' me...'


With the rest of Monsta X...

Wonho's head whipped around the look behind him as he heard the faint voice of Hyungwon in his head.

"Guys, I think Hyungwon's in serious danger" Wonho spoke urgently.

He then felt like he was being lightly zapped with electricity, and the feeling courses through his entire body.

'Is he being tortured?' Wonho thought to himself, his heart slipping a beat as he grew more worried.

"Wonho, we'll ask Felix for help-" "No, we have to get to him NOW!" Wonho exclaimed, his breathing laboured.

His heart grew heavy, and his head was pounding and hurting slightly, and it all pointed to the fact that Hyungwon was most likely in very serious danger.

Wonho turned and ran, ignoring the yells of his friends. He had to get to Hyungwon...he had to get to his Mate.

Shownu sighed heavily, before they all started to run after Wonho, fearing that he could be running into a trap alone.

Unbeknownst to them all, this was exactly what Seokjin wanted...

Here ya go, an actual chapter for once XD I know it's short, I'm sorry. The last couple of chapters, I've noticed, have been a bit on the short side :/ sorry...

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