It's Not Your Fault

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Y'all gon' get sum ChanLix AND 2Won (Wonho and Hyungwon) up in here cuz I love you guys and I feel terrible for what I did to Hyun-Jae ;-;

There is a reason I did that though, but that won't come until the sequel hehehe...

The storm hadn't passed until late that evening, and currently Felix was curled up on Chan's mattress, fast asleep and emotionally drained from the events of earlier that day. Chan was wide awake, sitting with his legs crossed at the entrance of his bus.

Chan knew none of this was over, and he had a sinking feeling that something terrible was about to happen.

"Channie~" he heard Felix groan softly behind him.

Chan turned his head to face Felix, "yes Lix?"

Chan saw the tears in the younger's eyes as he sniffled, the blonde haired boy trying to wipe the tears away.

"H-hold me, please?" Felix stuttered, his voice heavy with sadness.

Chan smiled gently, nodding as he fully turned his body and crawled over to the mattress. The older male slipped in beside Felix, wrapping his arms around the shaking boy.

"Nightmare?" Chan asked softly

Felix nods, not trusting his voice at that moment. Chan just holds him tightly, leaning his head down and kissed Felix's forehead. Felix looked up at Chan, still silently crying as he leans up and captures Chan's lips in a soft kiss.

He felt safe in Chan's arms, and kissing him felt so unbelievably right. He really did hope this lasted...


With Wonho and Hyungwon...

Wonho had stayed by Hyungwon's side the entire storm, and barely heard any of the commotion that went on outside. The wolf hybrid was too focused on his Mate to notice his surroundings. Although, he did manage to strike up some sort of conversation with Taehyung.

Wonho decided he didn't particularly like Chan, but his gut told him to trust Chan. It confused Wonho. The blue haired boy was lost in thought, but was snapped out of it when he heard a pained groan from Hyungwon, the brown haired boys eyes fluttering open.

"Hyungie, hey" Wonho spoke, smiling gently down at a now awake Hyungwon.

"W-where am I?" Hyungwon whimpered as his head pounded.

"You're in District 9 babe, but don't worry about that right now" Wonho shuffled the chair he was sitting on closer to the bed Hyungwon was lied upon, "what did they do to you, my love?" Wonho whimpered.

"Nothing I can't handle" Hyungwon chuckled, wincing when the movement hurt him.

"That should've been me...I should've stayed by your side...I'm so sorry" Wonho's bottom lip trembled as he held back the tears that threatened to spill.

"No, Wonho, it's not your fault" Hyungwon whispered, squeezing Wonho's hand.

"But baby, they hurt you, and it's my fault for not protecting you well enough" Wonho breathed in and out, trying so hard not to break down.

He felt terrible. Wonho felt like he let down his Mate, and his friends. He should've protected them all better, and now the rest of them were locked up in cells and who knows what was happening to them now.

"Wonho, please stop blaming yourself, it's okay. Please, none of this is your fault, it's Seokjin's" Hyungwon tries to reason with Wonho.

"But it is my fault...I'm a terrible friend and a terrible boyfriend" Wonho finally let's himself cry.

He sobs quietly, his head falling against the bed. Hyungwon shuffles onto his side, his free hand running through Wonho's hair.

"Oh Wonho..." Hyungwon sighs, a lone tear escaping him.

Jeez, there's been a lot of crying lately. Also, y'all better prepare for the angst to hit you like a ton of bricks cuz let me tell's bad ;-;

But there'll be a few bits of fluff between now and then, don't worry ^ω^ also, sorry for the shortness again...

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