The Past Is A Dark Place

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Okay, so the next couple chapters are gonna follow Minho, because of the events of last chapter, Felix is basically traumatised all over again. I know, I'm making Chan an absolute asshole in this story, but he is that way for a reason; a reason I will get to at some point. And, as much of an asshole as he is, he's still the Leader, he can pretty much do whatever he wants, and in the end he's a protector for everyone in District 9, which includes J even though J isn't even from District 9.

Also, I'm already planning so far ahead for this story, and I think there may be a sequel? IDK yet, but there's a possibility...Anywho, on with the chapter!

Felix was traumatised; reliving his worst nightmare all over again. He couldn't sleep, because every time he closed his eyes the image of his sisters severed head would pop up and jolt him awake. Minho couldn't sleep either because of this fact, constantly having to comfort his younger brother and stop him from screaming bloody murder like he wanted to. Felix needed to let it all out; years of trauma and haunting images that he could never forget, Minho didn't see any of it, but he knew that Hyun's head wasn't attached to her body. Minho didn't see it, but Felix wanted to be the stronger one and forced himself to watch as his sisters head was chopped from her body.

Minho felt sorry for Felix, and wished that he could be strong like Felix was, but even as strong as his younger brother could be, his mental state wasn't really 100%. It wasn't until the extremely early hours (and by early, the sun hadn't even risen yet) of the morning that Felix finally slept, exhaustion taking over. Minho decided to get up and sit outside. What he didn't expect was to see a shirtless Jisung in a meditating state. Minho gulped, his cheeks heating up at the sight. He quietly crept over to Jisung, sitting cross-legged next to the younger male. Jisung looked peaceful, almost angelic and Minho felt the blush spread from his cheeks to his whole face. He probably looked like a ripe tomato now, and Minho couldn't seem to think of anything else other than Jisung.

Jisung, Jisung, Jisung, everything Jisung-

"I can practically feel your blush" Jisung suddenly spoke, startling Minho out of his thoughts.

"I-uh-I was just-admiring the view. Yeah, admiring this beautiful landscape" Minho nodded, staring out into the dead land.

"What landscape?" Jisung chuckled, opening his eyes, "it's dead out here. There's nothing beautiful about it" Jisung scoffed.

"Not everything that's dead isn't beautiful" Minho retorted.

Jisung turned to Minho, slightly confused. Why would Minho say something like that?

"Wow that's...deep" Jisung coughed.

Minho shrugged.

"I speak from experience" Minho frowned.

"And what experience would that be?" Jisung was intrigued now.

Minho opened his mouth to say something, but closed it soon after.

"I can't tell you" Minho sighed.

"I'm just gonna take a wild guess here and I'm guessing it has something to do with the whole thing with your brother yesterday?" Jisung deadpanned.

Minho nodded, and Jisung gritted his teeth.

"Just tell me" Jisung sighed exasperatingly, "I won't tell anyone else, I swear! I won't even let on that I know anything!" Jisung whisper yelled as there were still people who were dead asleep.

Minho hesitated, but his gut told him that Jisung could be trusted. Hell, his gut told him that everyone in this whole damn District could be trusted. It was just the vibe they gave off, no matter how intimidating they looked or how mean/rude they were.

"A-alright, but this stays between us" Minho gulped.

Jisung nods, his eyes serious.

"Well...Felix and I had a sister, Hyun-Jae and uhm...she was publically executed. That's why Felix reacted the way he did yesterday. I didn't see it happen, but he did and it scarred him. I-I kinda figured her head was cut off, because at her funeral, it looked like her head was sewn back on" Minho shuddered, "but, as gruesome as the sight was, she looked she was sleeping. She looked as beautiful as she did when she was alive" Minho explained, his eyes tearing up a little.

Jisung processed that information and winced. What Chan did was an asshole thing to do, and Jisung grew slightly angry at his leader. Where was the soft, happy Chan gone? (That's right folks, Chan used to be a dorky funny weirdo like he is irl, but like I mentioned in a past chapter, someone kinda broke him. But that person wasn't the only reason...)


Minho and Jisung sat there in silence for who knows how long before they felt a presence behind them. It was Chan, and he also just happened to be shirtless too. All he wore were a pair of grey sweatpants. Minho was intimidated by the older, because he saw a solid six pack and his arm muscles were fucking insane to say the least.

Minho and Jisung stood up, and Minho stuttered out a 'i'm gonna go now' before scurrying off.

"You really need to stop scaring people bro" Jisung joked.

"I have a name Jisung" Jisung flinched at the tone Chan used.

"Still pissed off I see?" Jisung asked, a quiet sigh escaping him.

"What do you fucking think?" Chan spat back, his eyes flashing red.

Jisung glared at Chan.

"You are such a fucking asshole, Jesus fucking Christ" Jisung growled back.

Chan said nothing, but he did something that he'd never done to Jisung...ever.

Chan slapped him across the face.

Jisung's head snapped to the side, and the younger was shocked. Jisung held his cheek, his head turning to face Chan.

"You really need to learn your place Han Jisung. I've had it with your disrespect" Chan snarled.

Jisung's hand dropped from his cheek.

"Just because you're a leader, doesn't mean you can spit whatever bullshit you want to nor does it mean you can push people around and hit them or punish them whenever you feel pissed off" Jisung spat angrily, his eyes a bright golden colour.

"Don't forget, if it wasn't for me, neither you nor Seungmin would be alive right now" Chan huffed.

"Whatever" Jisung scoffed, pushing past Chan and walking over to his tent.

Chan sighed heavily, rubbing his forehead. He really has had enough of the years of disrespect from Jisung. He really couldn't learn his place. Chan softly smiled then; Jisung had always been like that. He never even used honorifics with him or any of the older ones in the District. Chan's soft smile disappeared and he shook his head. He really shouldn't dwell on the past.

The past is a dark place...

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Also, constructive criticism is welcome!

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