Minho Meets Jisung

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This is basically what Minho was doing whilst Felix was training with JB and BamBam. Kinda a filler chapter? idk...

Minho and Jackson had walked to a clearing with Chan's bus slash home and the tents still in sight. However, when they got to the clearing, there were two people there already. They looked to be in a very heated fight, and there was shouting.

"Jeez, when will they ever learn to stop fighting like dogs?" Jackson rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, well it's not my fault that Jeongin chose me over you!" the red head boy smirked, pushing the dark haired boy off of him, sending him onto his back.

the red head jumped up, holding the dark haired boy down with his foot.

"I'm ten times stronger than you!" the dark haired boy spat, "and at least I'm not scared of Channie and Bammie like you are" the dark haired boy laughed.

"At least i'm not a fucking flirt AND a disrespectful little shit" the red haired boy spat back.

Minho turned to Jackson and asked "who are they?"

"The red haired boy is Seungmin, the dark haired boy is Jisung. Those two fought over the 'baby' of the group, Jeongin for the longest time, but Jeongin finally caved and allowed Seungmin to date him. Jisung wasn't too happy about that though, and ever since they've been fighting like this"Jackson motioned towards Seungmin and Jisung, sighing heavily as if he were a parent disappointed with his children.

Minho couldn't take his eyes off Jisung however. He will admit, he was handsome, but he looked younger, maybe Felix's age. Still, Minho couldn't deny that both Jisung and Seungmin were ten times better looking than himself.

Minho always had problems with how he looked and hated the fact he was a weak human. He always had thoughts of 'Felix would be better off without me' on a daily basis.

Jisung suddenly grabbed Seungmin's ankle, pushing the boy upwards. Seungmin flipped, landing on his feet as his already filthy vans slid across the dirt.

"Are they even human?" Minho questioned, awed by their stamina and strength.

"Well, Seungmin is. Jisung is a Incubus, hence why he's a flirtatious little shit" Jackson sighed.

"Oh...I see" Minho nods, half paying attention, half not. If Minho was being completely honest, he didn't give a fuck that Jisung was an Incubus; he was still good looking. Of course, Minho would be just another weak human to play with in Jisung's eyes.

"Oi, Jisung, Seungmin, stop for a second!" Jackson shouted, his voice commanding.

Minho jumped a little beside him, not expecting Jackson's voice to sound so...dominant. However, it seemed that Jacksons tone had worked, because the two had instantly stopped dead, turning to face the two. Jisung's eyes met with Minho's for a few moments, causing Minho to gulp visibly at the heated stare the younger was giving him.

Jisung smirked, seeing the boy standing next to Jackson turn into mush under his gaze. Jisung went to walk over to Minho, but Seungmin held a hand to his chest, pushing him back.

"Aw, I only wanna say hello" Jisung pouted.

"Bitch, we all know you wanna do more than say hello" Seungmin glared at Jisung.

"Shut up! You have Jeongin, I don't have anyone, I can flirt as much as I fucking want to!" Jisung exclaimed, glaring right back.

"Oh, so you don't have a crush on my Jeonginie? You were only playing with him?" Seungmin was pissed now.

When would Jisung learn to stop playing with people's feelings for fuck sake?

"Of course I still like Jeongin, but like I said, you have Jeongin, so leave me the fuck alone" Jisung pushed Seungmin out of the way, walking over to say hello to Minho.

Seungmin rolled his eyes, sighing heavily. He may hate Jisung somewhat, but even though he was a massive flirt, that was only to hide how lonely he actually was. Yeah, sure, he had the people he thought of as brothers surrounding him day in, day out, but even so, that didn't stop Jisung from crying himself to sleep every night, and surprisingly Seungmin was the one to comfort him.

Yes, they may hate each other in more ways than one, but they were still like brothers; they all were.

Minho gulped again as Jisung got closer, and weirdly, Jisung's face reminded him somewhat of a squirrel...or a chipmunk...or maybe a cross between the two.

"Hello there Jackson. And who might you be hm?" Jisung smirked devilishly at Minho as he turned to the older boy.

"I-uh-I'm Minho" Minho stuttered slightly, internally slapping himself for doing so.

"Minho...that's a cool name" Jisung nodded.

Minho then wondered if Jisung was being sincere about that or not.

"I'm being serious, it's a cool name" Jisung defended upon seeing the look on Minho's face, "I've never met anyone with the name Minho, not even when I was back in District 8" Jisung chuckled.

Minho just nodded, still not quite believing him.

"Anyway" Jackson sighed, "I have to train Minho here, so can you two finish you're argument somewhere else?" they could tell Jackson was getting irritated, so Seungmin and Jisung just nodded before quickly walking away.

Jackson walked over to where Seungmin stood before, motioning for Minho to stand where Jisung stood.

"Alright, so I'll just teach you the basics first, then, at some point, I'll get into the more difficult stuff" Jackson explained.

Minho just nodded, not liking this one bit. He was scared, and he honestly felt sick that he was scared, because he shouldn't be.

"Don't worry, you'll be just as strong as your brother...one day"

And here ends the sixth chapter! Like I said, this was only a filler chapter kinda, just to give ya Minho's perspective. That might happen a lot, wherein one chapter we see what Felix is doing, then in the next chapter it'll be what Minho was doing without Felix there, then there'll be chapters with Minho and Felix together and yeah, all that shit.

Also, I'm gonna try and make ChanLix a slow burn, but MinSung may move along at a faster rate than ChanLix, just warning you. And I know people HATE IT when fans sexualize Stray Kids, but I'm warning you now, there may be implied smut in future chapters, especially with MinSung, but I won't write anything further than a heated make-out session, I swear.

Anyway, that's it from me :3

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