It's Okay

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(Y'all better prepare yourselves for major feels in this chapter)

With Minho and Jisung...

The two were cuddled up underneath the covers of Jisung's bed in the tent Jisung shared with Seungmin and Jeongin, with Minho being dead asleep. The two had moved into Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin's tent when the storm started, and poor Minho was terrified, as was Jeongin. Both Minho and Jeongin had fallen asleep not long after the storm started, and didn't hear any of the goings on outside.

Minho and Jisung were facing each other as Jisung watched Minho sleep. Jisung didn't know what overcame him, but he leaned forward and kissed Minho's forehead, causing the older of the two to slowly wake up.

"Oh, sorry" Jisung giggled.

"It's okay 'Sungie, I was about to wake up anyway" Minho yawned, smiling tiredly as he sits up.

Jisung sits up too and slowly stands, helping Minho into a standing position. Minho wobbled a bit, and almost falls backwards, but Jisung catches him before he can. Minho is a blushing mess when he sees how close his and Jisung's faces are. Jisung smirks, stealing a kiss from the unsuspecting boy. Minho squeaks, but eventually relaxes and kisses back.

The two share a soft kiss that Jisung breaks after a few moments.

"I'll never get used to that. Your lips are so soft" Jisung whispers.

Minho blushes even more as he now properly stands up, as does Jisung. The two exit the tent, Minho still a blushing mess.

"Awe, you're so cute" Jisung fakes a girly squeal, laughing at Minho's reaction.

"Stop it~" Minho whines, pouting.

Jisung kisses Minho's nose, smiling at the cute, shy little giggle that came out of Minho.

With Chan and Felix, the two had left the bus and we're just standing there with Chan's arm around Felix's waist. Felix heard the giggle, his head snapping kvetch to look in the direction of Minho and Jisung.

Felix grew slightly angry, and his protective brother instincts kicked in. He still didn't like the fact that the Incubus was so close to his innocent brother, and his fear of losing Minho drove him to wiggle out if Chan's grasp storm over to Jisung, pushing the Incubus back.

"What the hell!?" Jisung growled, glaring at Felix, "what was that for?"

"Stay the fuck away from my brother" Felix growled, pushing Jisung back again, this time harder.

"Like hell I will" Jisung growled back, standing an inch away from Felix.

"Do you want to fucking die then?" Felix snarled.

"Like you would anyway. You're too scared" Jisung laughed.

"He doesn't need you, he has me to protect him. So back the fuck off" Felix was growing more and more angry.

"Oh yeah? Well you did a shit job at protecting him from me" Jisung smirked.

All of a sudden, Minho pushes them away from each other.

"I don't need your protection anymore Felix" Minho was angry at his brother.

"What are you saying!? I can protect you better than that fucking Incubus piece of shit" Felix scoffed.

"Well you haven't been around me much lately have you? I have Jisung now, so you need to just back off" Minho huffed.

Felix was in shock. Did Minho really just say that?

Felix felt his heart shatter, and suddenly his worst nightmare came true.

Minho didn't need him anymore.

" I can't lose you too" Felix whispered.

"What?" Minho asked, not hearing what Felix had said.

Jisung had heard it though, and he wasn't angry anymore. He understood now. Felix didn't hate Jisung, he was just scared of losing his brother.

Felix looked up at Minho, his expression showing sadness but no tears fell.

"I can't lose you too" Felix whimpered.

Minho's heart broke at the sound, and his angry expression softened as he quickly wrapped his arms around Felix in a hug.

"You're not going to lose me Felix" Minho sighed.

Felix leaned his forehead on Minho's shoulder, and still no tears fell from his eyes.

"You're the only family I have left MinMin" Felix whispered, his voice cracking, "but I guess it's okay" Felix chuckles bitterly.

Minho let's go of Felix, confused. Felix looks his brother in the eyes, sighing heavily.

"It's okay Minho, I'm not going to hold you back from being with Jisung. I guess...I guess I can let you go now" Felix smiles weakly.

"Felix, I-" "It's okay brother, I'll be fine" it would take a while, but Felix would get used to it, "you don't need my protection, not here anyway" Felix chuckled.

Minho nods, smiling a little. Jisung then grabs Minho's hand and the two walk off to who knows where. Felix stands there, his head down as Chan comes up behind him, wrapping his arms around Felix's waist. Felix was feeling like the world was crashing and burning around him...

But at least he had Chan

Well then....that happened XD hope you enjoyed that lil bit of MinSung at the beginning hehe. Although, I feel like the last few chapters have been really poorly written....sorry for that ;-;

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