Because Of You

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Ooooooh things are gonna get heated...and I don't mean that kind of heated...

Jinyoung and Mark quickly ran to the unconscious Hyungwon, carrying him the rest of the way to District 9. Once they got there, they carefully placed Hyungwon on the dead grass, Hyungwon's head rolling to the side. Jinyoung winced; whoever wounded this poor soul must've had the intent to either kill him, or severely weaken him.

"Oi Chan, come here for a second!" Mark yelled out.

Chan looked over, saying a quick (and fake) apology to Lisa before walking over to where Mark, Jinyoung and Hyungwon were.

"What's wrong-oh" Chan looks down at the unconscious Hyungwon, frowning.

"He said J sent him, for Felix" Jinyoung explained.

"Yeah, I know this kid. His name's Hyungwon. I'll take him to Youngjae, and I'm guessing Wonho can't be too far away either" Chan looked up at Jinyoung and Mark, "You two, be on the look-out for a muscular male with dyed blue hair" Chan instructed.

Jinyoung and Mark nodded, going back to guard the passageway. Chan picked up Hyungwon bridal style, taking him to Youngjae's white medical tent. He could smell the herbs and other stuff coming from said tent. Well, it was more like a house made out of tent material. It was fairly massive. When he entered, he saw Jungkook on one of the beds, awake and obviously still in pain. It would take days for that wound to heal, since the wound came from another Ghoul.

Taehyung was by his bedside, holding Jungkook's hand and glaring at Chan as he entered the tent.

"Oh, another one of your victims huh?" Taehyung spat.

"No, he's not" Chan spat back, laying him down on one of the other beds as Youngjae entered the room.

"Then what happened to him?" Taehyung was confused, "and who is he?"

"Hyungwon, part of the Monsta X Clan, and he blacked out. I don't know who the fuck hurt him so bad, but he's from District 8 so I figure either Seokjin or Lisa or both of them had something to do with this" Chan frowned.

Youngjae was silent as he hooked up Hyungwon to a monitor that monitored what state he was in and his heart rate. He glanced between Chan and Taehyung, and sensed a lot of tension between the two of them, and by a lot, he meant he shit ton of tension.

Taehyung and Chan were definitely not on the best of terms at the moment

"You know, I don't even care" Taehyung scoffed, standing up but never letting go of Jungkook's hand as the poor boy moaned in pain, "you're the reason my boyfriend is in pain right now and also you fucking traumatised Jimin! He won't leave his fucking tent because of you!" Taehyung exclaimed, his glare fierce as his eyes changed from brown to pitch black.

Chan just stood there, his expression calm, almost blank.

"And there you stand, all fucking calm like nothing is going to shit around you! All of this is because of you, you useless Ghoul!" Taehyung growled, his tone nearing demonic.

"Don't talk like you know what's best for my District, demon" Chan growled back.

Youngjae sighed heavily; he really hoped they wouldn't start a fight in his medical tent...there were two very seriously wounded people in there.

"You know what I think is best for this District? I think it's best for you to die" Taehyung growled.

Chan winced, his head hanging low. Honestly...Taehyung was right. Lisa wanted to destroy him, he gathered that a long time ago, but he also knew she wanted to destroy Seokjin too. Maybe...if he just gave in to her...everything would be okay.

"I hear Lisa's in this District now. I can't believe you're letting that bitch stay here" Taehyung scoffed.

Chan raised his head, his eyes searing red.

"There's a reason for that, but I'm not going to tell the likes of you, Kim Taehyung" Chan spat.

Taehyung let go of Jungkook's hand, storming over to Chan. Taehyung's forehead was against Chan's as the two shared a heated, angry gaze. Taehyung was beyond furious, as was Chan.

"I think you better start explaining what the fuck is going on Bang Chan" Taehyung growled viciously.

"Not right now" Chan growled back.

"If she puts Jungkook's life in danger in any way, I swear I'll-" "If it's anyone she's going to hurt, it's me" Chan cut Taehyung off.

"Then maybe it's for the best that she does. Maybe then she'll just, get what she wants and we won't have to live in fear that Seokjin will find out about our existence and we can live peacefully. You train all of us, every day, because you also live in fear, and because of that, the rest of us do too, and don't fucking pretend that you don't fear her" Taehyung growled.

"I...I do fear her" Chan gulped, shaking slightly.

"And why would that be huh?" Taehyung smirked.

"Because I think I'm opening my heart to her again"

Oh god......please don't kill me......I DID SAY THERE WAS GONNA SOMETHING THAT THREW A WRENCH IN THE CHANLIX SHIP! Don't worry though, this is ChanLix for a reason :3 ChanLix will some point...hopefully before chapter 35? Yeah, let's say before chapter 35 :3

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