My Delinquent | Aren

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A/N: I love Kuboyasu so damn much~!!!


There's no way I could forget his eyes. Although he was unbelievably strong and ruthless, there was something in his dark eyes. No wonder why he moved. I bet that he was looking for me too...



Looking for his sworn archenemy, that is.

"Are you ready for another beating?"

I loved challenging him everyday. He would never even hesitate for a second. We would fight everywhere for hours on end no matter where it was as long as it was just the two of us. Indeed, I did not expect his reply.

"No. Not today. I've changed, Y/n."

No shit Sherlock! You've dyed your hair violet, you started wearing glasses, and most especially your personality..! What in the f--!

"Aren? What are you doing?"

A blue-haired guy came up. Aren has a friend now? How shocking!

"Ah, Shun. Don't worry, that was nothing."


I...I feel betrayed. How did this 'Shun' guy get to be so close with Aren? Wait, am I jealous...? What the hell am I feeling? It's clenching my chest. Am I jealous that this Shun runt took away my chance to fight Aren? Tch! There's no way! Aren never passed up an opportunity (t̶o̶ ̶d̶i̶e̶) to fight me. Has he really changed? Is he not a delinquent anymore? Hm, today, that's up to me to find out. Time to stalk!

"Yo, Saiki..."

"I can't believe he has a group of buddies now."

Sadly, I am not in the same class as Aren. So here I was, spying on him with binoculars outside his classroom. Some students find me weird that I have a lot of equipment. Damn, I've gone full-mode detective.
Nonetheless, I found someone who can help me finish my work. This random Takahashi told me that he and Aren nearly fought earlier, or something like that. I don't care what happened, but if Aren scared someone, it means he's still a delinquent deep down. And I bet he's desperately trying hide those hideous scars that I made on him. I kept up the stalking for at least three days. I tried many methods to make him mad, but it seems that he's controlling his anger well.

"Eh, L/n? Are you stalking someone?"

One of my classmates, Toritsuka, appears behind me. Ah, perfect timing. Since he is a idiot, he might as well be useful. But he might ask for something in return.

"Hey, Toritsuka? I have a favor."


"You called me out here?"

"You're Saiki, right?"

"Yes. Why?"

I asked Toritsuka to call for Saiki. I need to arrange a private meeting with Aren right away, but I have to get through his friends first. This is business.


Damn, she's really here. That girl is really something. I would fight her, but I'm a changed man. I can't go all out, I have to control my temper too.
If I know Y/n well, she won't stop until I've fought her. She tried dragging me, placing a letter of challenge in my locker, and she even stalked me all day long. Shun's been teasing me about my stalker girlfriend who's looking for a fight.

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