Telepathic Chats | Kusuo

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Note: Italics = telepathic conversations with Saiki

"Good morning, Kusuo."

'There she goes again. Good grief. Will this girl ever stop bothering me?'

"Nope. I will continue to annoy you until the day I die."

"Then die."

"Oi, that's kinda harsh..."

Just recently, I met another psychic in my school, PK Academy. However, this one is the real deal, not unlike Aiura and Toritsuka. L/n Y/n is more stronger than me and is far more intelligent. Hard to believe she's human. Despite her immense power, she's a pain in the neck.
We speak telepathically everyday and she can easily access my thoughts. She's dangerous as she knows all my secrets. What's more than that, she's in my class and she knows what's happening in my disastrous everyday life.

"Alright. Pair project."

But to be completely honest, Y/n is better than Teruhashi.

"Saiki and L/n."


"What a twist."

It seems that god is not on Teruhashi's side today. That's fine, but then I'd get to hear her complain with internal monologue.

"Wow, this must be a miracle," Y/n sarcastically smirks at me.

Although I don't exactly dislike Y/n, she's a cheater who's apathetic and doesn't want to stand out like me. We have a lot of things in common, like our problems. Unfortunately, I can only read her thoughts when she talks to me telepathically. She's incredibly hard to read and I suspect that she has a fanclub army of her own. Also, she's in full control of her power. I'm a bit jealous of that fact. Y/n knows it too.

"Let's just get this over with. I know you'd probably prefer Teruhashi as a partner anyway."

"And what makes you think that I like Teruhashi?"

"There were a few...incidents that almost made you say 'Ofu' in front of her."

We finished the project in no time. Later that day, she's still hanging around me along with the rest of the idiots. Y/n's not an idiot but I don't know why she chooses to hang around Nendou and the rest.

"L/n! Over here!"

"We saved a seat for you."

"Thanks, guys."

I suspect that they're secretly a part of her army.

Me, Nendou, Kaidou, Kuboyasu, and Y/n sit together at lunch. Ever since Y/n transferred, she immediately got along with them. Not just that, she even got along with their parents and mine. I know, unbelievable.

"Hey, L/n, can you tutor me at my house after school?"

"Sure, Kaidou."

"Ah, I'll come too," Kuboyasu raises his hand.

Y/n isn't like Teruhashi. She doesn't call herself the prettiest girl in the world. Y/n doesn't need boys to stare and go 'Ofu' whenever walks by. She's not a goddess. She is the destroyer of worlds and the salvation of mankind. There is no in between. She is the fallen angel who rises up to be the most powerful King.

"Let's have ramen then," Nendou stupidly says his number one catchphrase.

"Saiki, you should come too."

"Seriously, guys. You shouldn't take this lightly. Midterms are coming up."

Remember when I said that Y/n is a cheater?

"Oh please, all you do is cheat."

"I don't cheat. I just know all the answers. You're the same too, Saiki."

I didn't mean that she cheats at tests. She cheats at every other aspect in life. At some point, she's already immortal. Speaking of immortal, never once have I seen her get hurt. Physically and verbally. Her future can't be predicted by Aiura. Her aura is also large.

Sometimes, Y/n hangs out with Aiura, Yumehara, and Mera. On the rarest of occasions, she hangs out with Teruhashi. Basically, she gets along with all the idiots who surround me. Even Toritsuka. Though, I bet she's only using him to do her bidding.

Later on, an actual study session has commenced in Kaidou's house. Kaidou's mom highly approves of Y/n because she tutors Kaidou almost every single day. She talked to Y/n one time, but she confessed that there was someone else that Y/n held dear. That made me curious.

"Kusuo, let me walk you home."


"I'm still going to."

"You do know that you're breaking stereotypes here."

"Yes, I'm perfectly aware."

After the studying, which wasn't as boring as I suspected, Y/n and I walked home together. Maybe I should try to ask...or maybe not. I don't know why I want to know.

"I can hear everything that goes through your head, Kusuo."

"I know..."

"You want to know who I like?"


"Well, it's actually you."

"Wait what?"

The End.

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