Despise You | Makoto

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Requested by anyakatriel
*sorry for making you wait

※ I wish it was the swimming Makoto...

The "handsome" actor Teruhashi Makoto, a.k.a Tohru Mugami, is now unfortunately your main partner for four years, as the contract states. So for every project given within four years, you are to work together. No objections. You've been praying, and so far, there haven't been any kissing scenes between the two of you.

*Your stage name: (s/n)
[whatever you want lol]

There are pros and cons to being the partner of a narcissistic man who's obsessed with his also narcissistic sister. But unfortunately more cons.

Pro #1:
At least he's a good actor.

"I will see you again."

"And CUT!"

"Good job, everybody! Let's all take a break!"

Teruhashi is an experienced actor. He might be even better than you. Nevertheless, you don't view him as a showbiz enemy. You're on somewhat neutral terms but you absolutely secretly despise him. Well, he thinks he's so superior. But it's not even close.

Con #1:
His fans are way noisier than yours.


"We love you!"

His fans would shout and lose their voices all day. He would just sit on his ass, in a chair beside you, all day. You'd do most of the work in the studio. You're not just an actress, you're a human being. You don't sit on your ass all day letting other people pamper you.

Pro #2:
You get to call him names and whatnot.

This happens every time you both work on a movie. Nobody even tries to stop you.

"Eh? Mugami-sama? Pfft!"

Although this is a pro for you, it pisses you off that he barely retorts back.

"Aho. Lame. Unworthy."

Con #2:
You hate him. (More specifically, you hate his sister but he doesn't know that)

Con #3:
He's narcissistic.

Con #4:
He's a bully. Especially towards your younger cousin Saiki Kusuo. That's why you really hate him.

It's been a few months since your last project with him. This is your sixth time working together. By that time, a lot of people knew that you always picked on your co-actor whenever you're not on camera. Some have asked you about this during interviews, but you avoid the topic.

"Alright, let's do the kiss scene!"

"What? Ki-Kiss scene?"

"(S/n), I thought you already read the books?"

"I haven't reached that part yet..."

Besides the fact that he bullies your cousin Saiki, you hate Teruhashi because of the way he treated you when you both first met on set.

"Thank you for working with me!"

That day, you received news that you were to work with a good actor. You were excited, to be honest, because it was a good opportunity. But your encounter with him changed everything.


Once bumping into you, all that excitement vanished. Teruhashi wasn't like the other actors you've worked with. He was...


But that's not all. Just the next time you were on another movie with him, you began receiving texts from your cousin Saiki Kusuo about how your co-actor bullies him. That sparked the flame of hate within you, making you despise him more. Don't even forget that time he spilled water on you. You almost had a fit.

"Are you ready to do the kiss scene?"

"Director, I don't feel so good..."

Back to the present. You were about to do a dreaded kiss scene, but thankfully your insides came out to stop you.

"Ew! Your lips stink!"

"Hey! I washed!"

"Go wash again!"

The second take was by chance. You were much more hesitant during the later shooting. In the end, the director called it a day and told everyone to go home. It took eighteen- no, nineteen takes.

"Director, I won't be helping you clean for tonight. I have an urgent visit."

"Is that so? Alright then. Good night. Great work."

"Great work."

For that night, you went to visit your cousin. Only to complain about your bad day at work.

"Ugh! I'm supposed to do a kiss scene with him!"

"You don't want to? Many women would beg to do that."

"Well, I'm not one of those women."

The next day, you mustered up the courage to actually do the kiss. You know that if you don't do it, your career might as well be doomed. For the rest of the day, you sat on standby after filming your character's death scene. The shooting went all smoothly. In your last break, Teruhashi approached you.

"What do you want Mugami?"

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"It's because I like you, aho."


(Omae wa mou shindeiru.)
Yes, you like the Teruhashi Makoto. But you hate him at the same time. There were no signs of you liking him, but after everything you've been through- although it was merely acting- you slowly fell for him. What do you see in him exactly? Well, a lot of things. Even though he's a bully and all that, he's still a human being with good looks. And right from the start, you knew you didn't have a chance with him. So you kept all your feelings buried inside your heart.

"I'll be seeing you in the movie premiere, aho."


The End.

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