Blue Violet | Aren x Shun

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Requested by deathbyspoons
*Hope you didn't wait long!

(Edit; I ain't grounded anymore but requests are still on hold)

※ Kaidou will be female here, and since Shun is not a female name (I think), I'll be changing it to Shouko for the meantime.
※ The previous one-shot sucks, so, I hope this is my comeback.

Kaidou Shouko. Always described as a chibi and a rare girl chuunibyou. The only thing is that she's weird. She's really cute, though nobody would admit that. But, Kuboyasu Aren is a guy that definitely would. Kaidou is (almost) as beautiful as Teruhashi but nobody realises that.

For as long as he can remember- well, actually ever since they met- Kuboyasu had taken a liking to the cute chuunibyou.

"Aren! Good morning!"

"Ah, g-good morning, Shouko!"

Some have already noticed his crush on the light blue haired cutie. But of course, she doesn't because she's fricking oblivious.
Kuboyasu's pretty sure that Kaidou only sees him as a friend because of course, the violet haired boy is also oblivious!

"Hey, um, Kaidou?"

"Yes, Yumehara?"

"Can we be friends? You can call me Chiyo."

"Sure, Chiyo! You can call me Shouko too!"

Kuboyasu won't admit a lot of things, but he usually gets jealous of anyone who gets all chummy with Kaidou. That including Nendou, Saiki, and some other people. Yes, and girls as well.

His agony held him back from confessing his feelings. Of course, he doesn't want to ruin his relationship with her.

"Alright, in today's art class; painting. Pair up and get your damn canvas."

The substitute teacher kept on saying "damn" throughout the whole lesson, like damn, this woman needs to chill.

"Use the damn colour of you and your partner's hair. Make sure to mix two colours. I don't care if both your damn hair color is black. If I don't see no damn colour there, you ain't getting a damn grade from me. So paint something that's damn good and worthy of a grade."

Kaidou and Kuboyasu already paired up beforehand, since they're best friends and all.

"So, if you mix blue and violet..."

"You just get a darker shade of purple, I guess."

At the sidelines, the rest of the class just secretly cheers on the two.

The next day, Shouko discovers a letter in her locker.

"Roses are red, Violets can be blue, if we mix our colours together, maybe we can let our love bloom on forever."

"Ooh, you have an admirer!"

For about a week, different poems ended up in her locker and desk. All about colours, flowers, and love.

"Shouko. We need to talk."


Friday came, last day of the week. Classes have ended. The violet haired boy took a hold of Kaidou's hand and brought her to an empty classroom.

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