The Dare Hellhole | 1

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This is dedicated to everyone who has been reading from the very start up until this part. Thank you very much. Applaud yourselves!

*Characters appear as they are mentioned.

Kitatani: Let's go on to the first dare.

"In honor of Vine, speak only in the universal meme language."

Saiki: Fuck ya Chicken strips!

Kaidou: Mother trucker dude that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick

Mera: Ahh! Stahp I could've dropped mah croissant!

Saiko: Oh sorry, I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich.

Saiko: Oh sorry, I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich

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Kuboyasu: GO BACK TO SLEEP...


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Y/n: (*insert your favourite vine here*)


Six hours of awesome vines later...

Kitatani: And they were roommates.

Y/n: Oh my god they were roommates.

"What the Psi-nan anime is really about."

Saiki: Everyone is part of the Kokomins except for me.

Y/n: Originally, everybody liked Saiki but Teruhashi just got in the picture.

"Next up; Seven Minutes in Hell."

Saiki: We've been in Kitatani's lair for seven hours. Isn't the game supposed to be over?

Kitatani: Keep your mouth shut. I meant to say heaven. Kuboyasu and Kaidou first.

Kaidou: Wat

Kuboyasu: Oi isn't there supposed to be a hat-?

Y/n: Nope. *pushes the boys into a random closet*

Six minutes later...

Kitatani: Did you push them in the oak closet?

Y/n: I put them there *points to closet 666*

Kitatani: That is mahogany!

Saiki: How many closets do you have anyway, author-san?

So, Saiki had to bring Kuboyasu and Kaidou back from the demon world and obliviate their memories about it.

Kitatani: Dares are over. I'm bored. This coming Christhmus we're having Secret Satan.

Kaidou: Don't you mean secret santa?

Kitatani: *nervous* y-yeah! Secret Santa! D-definitely!

Next time on The Dare Hellhole!

"Pocky Game!"

"Saiki will not be doing the challenge."

Kitatani: Please comment down below your favourite ships. Remember to give dares and don't forget to comment and vote! (Why do I sound like I'm running for president...*whispers* I will overthrow Trump bwahahahaa)

Also Kitatani: This chapter sucks

Kitatani: Are you sure about that?

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