Mind Palace | Kusuo

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(※ any Sherlock fans out there?)

The human mind is as deep as any abyss that exists. It expands farther than anyone could ever know. It's limitless. However, my girlfriend won't let me go beyond that certain point.

My name is Saiki Kusuo. I am a psychic. I'm pretty sure you know the rest of the story. This girl with me here is L/n Y/n. She's not a psychic, but she definitely has a power I cannot describe. That, and she's the love of my life. Even though the only love I felt was for coffee jelly, Y/n is a different story. The love I felt for her is much more genuine. This girl who rests her head on my lap is the most stunning person in my eyes. And she's more than just stunning. I can use more words, but she's really indescribable.


"Are awake now?"

"Yeah. Can we go back?"


We'd spend our time laying on a grassy field under a tree in an unknown island. The wind feels nice there too. Actually, the island wasn't real in the first place, it was from Y/n's mind palace. She made it a place wherein she can take a break from reality.

"Did you sleep well?"

"As always, Kuu."

She loves calling me Kuu. I don't mind it at all. She always thinks of me even when I don't read her mind. I think of her all the time too. As cliche as it is, I love her. More than anyone can imagine. As long as she's happy, I'm happy.

"I'm bored."

"What do you want to do?"

"I wanna kiss you."

As I said, she's a different story. She pulled me in just like a magnet. And as I mentioned earlier, she won't let me go any further than here. From my knowledge, there are three places in Y/n's mind. First, are her thoughts. I can access those easily. Second is her cognitive thinking, her power of knowledge and other information she keeps in her mind. Third, is my girlfriend's Field of Tranquility. Beyond this island is an invisible barrier. Y/n is the one who put up that barrier. Sadly, I don't know what lies further beyond.

"Again, you taste like coffee jello."

"I love coffee jello. But I love you more."

If we could, we would stay here for as long as we want. But we can't. If we stay in this third stage for too long, Y/n will fall into a coma and we might die. What's worse, we might be separated for eternity. And the worst case scenario, Y/n might never wake up.

"Kuu...your eyes. What are you worried about?"

"It's nothing."

We were back in the real world- well, in my room, specifically. We sat up from the floor, going to lean on the bedside. In moments like these, Y/n and I have heart-to-heart talks, deep and honest conversations.

"Tell me, Kuu."

"I was just thinking...what would I ever do if you fell in a coma? I don't want you to die nor do I want to be away from you."


The day we met...I remember it too clearly.

"Sorry guys, you go on ahead. I still have something to do."

"Huh? Are you going to visit your old man again?"

"Don't mind me."

Kaidou, Nendou, and I were supposed to stop by the game shop to purchase a new game. I already bought one but they don't know that. At least, having two copies is a opportunity. And Nendou wouldn't pass up that opportunity.
In the end, me and Kaidou followed him again. First, he goes to the flower shop and bought a bouquet of (favourite flowers), then he goes to another shop and buys a (favourite) cake. To our surprise, he goes to the hospital.

"Hey, L/n. I brought you your favourites!"

"Is that his girlfriend?!"

"Oh! You guys! You followed me?"

Turns out, the girl who rested on that white bed was Nendou's neighbor who came from an accident. Nendou says that her cognitive mindset was damaged, and needed some sort of surgery. I couldn't help Y/n because it was beyond my power. What boggled me the most about her, was her thoughts. I looked into her mind, and all I saw was a TV static screen. It's not just that, she barely had any thoughts at all. There was only one sentence that was being repeated over and over again;...

"Help me...please."

There wasn't a voice either. It was just words appearing one after the other. I tried to help her. And a few years later...here we are now.

"I love you, Saiki Kusuo."

"I love you too, L/n Y/n."

All these kisses and words of love, it's all real. We'll always have and love each other until the very end.

"Kusuo, I think it's time I let you cross that barrier."

The End...?

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