Beautiful Man | Reita

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Requested by Nyanyanyanihaonya
*sorry for the wait

[Narration by Saiki Kusuo]

"He's a boy, but he's so beautiful that he looks like a girl..."

"What if we try to let him wear a dress in the drama club?"

"He's so pretty I think I'm turning gay?!"

You just transferred recently and joined the drama club. You are L/n Y/n, and you are a beautiful man like no other. You have the sweet face that could have belonged to a woman or a man or even a child. Many have fallen for your looks and humble personality. Even I approve of you- because you don't act like Teruhashi- despite your secret. You're a crossdresser. So far, only your family and I know of your secret. It's not a secret that would ruin you but you won't admit it out loud.

Moving on to the other main character of this chapter. As you all know, Toritsuka Reita is a failure. Ehem, I meant a spirit medium. He is a very unsuccessful flirter and an unstable man.

One look at you and he fell. No, literally, he tripped. He was so astounded by your beauty, he didn't know a man could possess such looks. Oh, and yes, you have also captured his heart. But he's not aware of that.

'Wait, he has two spirit guardians?'

Ah, that too. He noticed that your spirit guardians were different from other people's. Yours were practically glowing behind you. He couldn't see their faces either.

"Hey, you!"

"Hmm? Oh? Could you be...Toritsuka from class 2? I heard you're a spirit medium."

"Eh? You've heard of me?"

"Yeah. But I hate guys like you."

I said you have a humble personality, but you're not eternally kind. You have a harsh personality too. Toritsuka is offended by what you said, but he can't say anything because he sees you as both a girl and a boy. Yeah, he's speechless. That happens.
You only crossdress as a hobby, for the sake of wearing pants. In society's eyes, you are a boy. At home, you're a girl.

Let me repeat, you're not Teruhashi. She's the worst case. You're not glowing, you're not a handsome goddess or anything of the sort. (But maybe you are. Just saying.) You were simply gifted with beauty and brains.

"L/n-kun, you really look like a girl!"

"With or without the wig, you're gorgeous and cute!"

"You flatter me, guys. I only got my looks from my parents."

You're both handsome and beautiful. Literally pretty boy. You're so pretty that Toritsuka would have fantasies about you as a girl. Ugh, disgusting.

'Her parents are dead, bro.'

'Mr. Ghost, please shut up.'

By the way, have I mentioned that you can commune with ghosts and spirits? You can see and talk to any creature unseen by the naked human eye, all within a 50-meter radius. You're somewhat similar to a spirit medium.

'And please, stop calling me a girl. I am a boy when in public.'

Ever since you started crossdressing, you warned all the ghosts around you to address you as a boy, so that nobody would just suddenly know.

"Why is L/n so beautiful yet so handsome...?"

Now, one day, a ghost from the other town came by. Neither of you knew each other, obviously, but he knows you're a girl.
Now, Toritsuka sat in his seat, watching you with your friends from the small distance. The ghost came up beside him, directing his gaze to you.

'Yo, dude! Don't you know?'

"Huh? Know what?"

'That ain't no boy, buddy.'

And at that moment, you turned around and stared directly into the (perverted) eyes of Toritsuka Reita. One can only imagine the horror on your face, as the spirit medium and the ghost stared back you. Also, if you listen closely, you can hear the voice in your head screeching bloody murder like there's no tomorrow.

"L/n-kun, are you okay? Your face is pretty creepy right now."

"You look like you saw a ghost."

"I think I just did."

Nobody knows that you can see ghosts and spirits. To cover it up, you joke about the supernatural stuff.

"Ahh, call an exorcist!"

After that, you did everything in your power to get away from the purple man. (It's fucking Barney)
But of course, the author made it so that he finds you right before you leave the school.

"L/n, wait!"

Would it be so bad for one person to find out about one little secret? If that person is Toritsuka, then yes. It would be very bad.

"Tell me...are you-?"

"Am I what? I'm not exactly what you think I am, okay?"

"Then tell beautiful man."

"I'm your future girlfriend."

The End.

Nah just kidding.

Real Ending:...

"I'm a crossdresser! Are you happy now?"

"Then can I date you?"


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