Chubby Cheeks | Aren

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Requested by xefris
*sorry for the wait! Hope you enjoy

I'll get straight to the point. You are chubby. (I have my own definition of chubby, kay?) You're self-conscious and (sometimes) you think you're fat. That's not the case here. You're definitely not fat. (Y'all need to appreciate your body more!)
In fact, your cheeks are just very soft, squishy, and cute. It's even cuter when you pout, for goodness sake! The reason for your chubby cheeks is your hobby of eating. You tend to have huge bites and such. You also chew a lot. Oh know what happens when you're gifted with chubby cheeks, right?

"Wah~! You're cheeks are so soft!"

"I wanna squish them forever~"

Your cheeks have become a stress ball. Shocking as it sounds, people have been harassing your cheek since birth. A lot of people pinch and squish your cheeks all the time, so much that they've turned red; making you look like you have makeup. Of course, that resulted in some scolding. Those friends of yours weren't really friends at all. They just used you and your cheeks. Wearing a mask and putting concealer wasn't enough. There was that one time, during your first year of high school. Some crazy guy cut your cheek with his pen. Some girls were beating you up too and calling you fat. You've had enough of that. It was too much. You couldn't take it anymore. For your second year of high school, you decided to move to PK Academy. The said school has a lesser number of students than your previous school.

"I should lay low starting today...but then, everyone would be staring."

Your cheeks had too much bruises over the years. You had a ton of bandages to cover them. Once they're dry, you put concealer, you put band-aids, and use your mask. Remember, your cheeks are the one that's chubby. Your thighs are a bit chubby too, but we won't be going to that topic. Your parents were almost never home. Your rich grandparents are the only ones supporting you from the sidelines. At home, you work out and build up your biceps. All the while trying to maintain a diet. Yes, you have biceps. You better be thankful. (I actually have biceps irl)
If anyone tries to attack your scarred cheeks, you'd (probably) end up being suspended for punching the hell out of them. Did I also mention that you're a strong and independent woman who is great? Well, now I have.

"This is L/n Y/n. She'll be your new classmate. Go on, introduce yourself."

Besides the cover, your outfit is another thing to be stared at. You sported a black hoodie and it looked like you were wearing black leggings. You still wore the uniform. After you wrote your name on the board, you made sure to make your voice clear. Some might not hear you because of the mask- which was also black.

"L/n, please remove your mask."

No choice. Everyone ended up seeing your cheeks covered in band-aids. Murmurs erupt from the students.

"My name is L/n Y/n. Please take care of me."

That last part sounded too serious. But you were serious. You did make an emphasis.
In your introduction, you were staring at the wall at the back. Then, you were seated beside Kuboyasu Aren.

"I'm Kuboya-"

"Yeah, whatever..."

Yeah rude. Albeit, the way you dress and talk, your intelligence is on a different level. This took the delinquent boy's attention.

"You got your test scores back?"

"Yeah, I got a pretty low score on this."

"Me, too. Hey, L/n, what scor-"

It's been a few weeks since you transferred here. You've made quite an impression towards the teachers. Plus, you've acquainted yourself with first year students and the second year students who were in the other classes. You were pretty famous outside of class 3, apparently. Every lunch break, you conduct group studies after eating. During period breaks, some students visit you. So anyway, your classmates don't know how smart you are.

"A score of 96?"

"L/n is super smart!"

Kuboyasu and Kaidou took a look at your Chemistry test paper earlier that day. So then...

"You have a pretty high score, L/n. W-Would you mind if I asked you to tutor me?"

"Sure. It'll be my house."

❂ ❂ ❂

"Excuse us for intruding."

"I'm home."

Kuboyasu brought Shun along with him to study at your place. You would tutor the two boys in the mini-library connected to the study room. In fact, your house was almost like a mansion.
Your grandma was home at that time. Surprisingly, she used to be the boss of a top-notch yakuza firm.

"Oh? Could you be Kuboyasu Aren?"

"Eh? How do you know me?"

"I knew your parents."

The two boys made themselves at home. Your grandmother told Kuboyasu (and Kaidou) some stories of her old delinquent days. Afterwards, Kaidou gave a helping hand to make some snacks and set up the study hall. Kuboyasu finds you in your room. You left the door slightly open. Yeah, he saw you changing. You stood there only in your black underwear, your back facing the door. His cheeks explode red at the sight. Your fine body curves weren't the only thing that he noticed. There were bandages and bruises decorating your body, all from the beatings you received.

After that, the study session went om normally, except for the fact that Kuboyasu kept throwing glances at you. Then, you three exchanged cell/LINE info. The next day, the violet-haired boy tried to ask you. You were both walking home together that time, as Kaidou had to do something else.

"What happened to your cheeks, by the way?"

"I was just being bullied and punched last year," you lied.

Though you were good at lying, he saw right through your excuse. You see, he's always looking at you even when in class. He notices your every move, especially when you'd cup your cheeks, feeling your band-aids. You always looked frustrated whenever you do that. He thought it must've been an itch. But the longer he looked, the more he noticed.

"Don't worry, I won't pinch your cheeks."

"What? How'd you know?"

"I have my ways. And, ah, I saw your scars too."

This time, your cheeks went red. To think that he was looking at your chubby cheeks and your body!

"Stay away from my cheeks," you pout.

"Hehe, you're so darn cute, Y/n."

The End.

A/N: Damnit the Kuboyasu one-shots are always longer than the others lol why

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