Let's Make A Date

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A/N: Based on the game show "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"
I feel like this will fail...somehow

Kitatani: Hey, hey, hey readers! Welcome to Whose Line Is It Anyway! Introducing our guests: first is the man composed of 50% coffee jelly; Saiki Kusuo!

Saiki doesn't react at all. The audience howls and claps.

Kitatani: Next, our very own Jet-Black Wings; Kaidou Shun!

Kaidou smiles. A few squeals come from the females in the audience.

Kitatani: Here, the man who rode my favourite Kawasaki motorcycle without permission; Kuboyasu Aren!

Kuboyasu hides his face in his hands and shakes his head. The audience laughs.

Kitatani: Lastly, the girl who can't get a proper love-life; Yumehara Chiyo!

Yumehara glares at me. The audience laughs and still applauds.

Kitatani: I'm your host Kitatani Hikaru! Let's go and have some fun.

I run down to my desk beside the stage. The four players also clap along with the audience. The applause later died down.

Kitatani: Once again, welcome to Whose Line Is It Anyway. This is the show where the points don't matter. Just like Toritsuka Reita, he doesn't matter.

*insert laugh track and actual laugh from audience lol*

Saiki: HA!

Kitatani: Toritsuka, if you're watching this, it's true.

Audience laughs louder. Saiki is amused, he almost smiles. (A/n: you can imagine them in casual clothes or whatevs)

Kitatani: He might be a guest here next time, then we can make fun of him more. Anyway, let's start with a game called Let's Make A Date. Saiki, Kaidou, and Kuboyasu will pretend to be contestants on a dating-type show, hoping to be picked by Yumehara who cannot get a proper boyfriend. Obviously, she'll pick Kaidou so now I'm warning her not to.

The four players take their seats on the stools. Yumehara pouts while looking at me with pleading eyes.

Kitatani: Sorry, Chiyo. So, uh, we put something in three envelopes. It's a certain quirk or personality that the boys will act out and Yumehara has to guess them. Begin whenever you're ready.

Kuboyasu laughs quietly. Kaidou squints at his envelope. Saiki scoffs and gives me a look of disbelief. I give the pink haired boy an innocent grin.

Yumehara: Bachelor number one, hi there!

Kuboyasu: Hey, girl! How 'ya doing?

Subtitle: A chatty girl best friend
(A/N: I don't always have to say when the audience laughs. But please, let me know if you're actually laughing. Vote and comment, tehee~!)

Yumehara: If you were to take me somewhere to have fun, where would we go?

Kuboyasu: Girl, you know I would take us on roadtrips and have some latte, yeah!

Kuboyasu has his legs crossed like Yumehara. Basically, he really acts like your everyday girl bestie. The audience laughs and applauds. Kuboyasy laughs whilst covering his mouth with hands. Then he plays with his hair, pretends to look in a hand mirror, and then applies makeup.

Yumehara: You sound really jolly. Anyway...bachelor number two, hello!

Kaidou: Hello!

Subtitle: Military trainer

Yumehara: Do you lift?

Yumehara puckers her lips. Kaidou stands immediately, takes in a deep breath, and brings out a deep voice.

Kaidou: Of course! What about you? Now get down and give me twenty push-ups!

The audience applauds and laughs. Yumehara is shocked.

Yumehara: You sure remind me of someone. Moving on....bachelor number three. Hey, you look interesting!

Saiki: Yes, hello. How are you?

Subtitle: That neighbor who acts kind at first but becomes annoying because they keep borrowing stuff

Yumehara: I'm good, thanks! So, if you were to-

Saiki: By the way, can I borrow your lawn mower for the whole afternoon? Oh, can I borrow your wifi too?

Kitatani: *buzzes multiple times*
Ready to guess, Yumehara?

Yumehara: Bachelor numero uno is a girl...?

Kitatani: Close enough. He's a chatty girl best friend.

Yumehara: Bachelor number two is Matsuzaki-sensei!

Kitatani: He's a P.E teacher!

Yumehara: The last one is an annoying neighbor.

Kitatani: Yeah! Good job! Now, I'll give Yumehara fifty points. We'll be back for more Whose Line! See ya after the commercial!

*Commercial Break*

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