On My Mind | Akechi

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For iam_shiomi

※ Sorry for the late updates! (I'm having a hard time with writing the lemons. Seriously)

"Why him?"

They always ask that. They think he's weird. They just don't know him.

"You don't know how honest his heart is. He also doesn't want secrets, that's why he can get too pushy sometimes."

Believe it or not, you actually like Touma Akechi. (※ I like him too. And he was voiced by Yuki Kaji~!) He's an absolute blabbermouth, yes. He talks very fast, yes, yet you can understand every word he says. You don't care what other people say. Touma is kind, honest, and pure-hearted. He comes off as annoying to others, but you know him better than anyone. His mind works differently, in a good way. He's much more advanced... (advance ako mag-isip ehehe)

"You're our new neighbor, correct?"

"Yeah. My name is L/n Y/n. Nice to meet you..."


You both have a mutual understanding and respect for each other. When the boy rants to you, you gladly listen. Whenever you talk, he never interrupts. You were neighbors back then. The only thing is, you weren't in the same school. Those days were blurry, but you definitely remember going to his house a lot. Sitting on his bed, you both end up talking about what happened in school and all the sorts. That one time in middle school, a memory very vivid to you up to this day.

"I think Saiki Kusuo is a psychic. Y/n, I want you to follow him in high school. I want you to be my spy."

"Follow him? But...h-how am I supposed to do that?"

"I know your secret talent. Use it to track him down."

"Please don't make it sound like we're in an action movie..."

First of all, you kept on moving because your parents' job. You were an only child who was apparently left alone to cure her own boredom. You found your hidden talent even before you started learning anything in school. Your "Specific Locate" is an ability you developed to track anyone. You weren't that much of a genius, so it's no big deal. Besides, Touma is the only person who knows about it, even up to this day. Secondly, you managed to track Saiki down before entering high school. After your parents divorced, since you found out dad was cheating on mom in Hawaii and Singapore, you and your mom moved again. That time, you moved near the Saiki family. At all costs, you tried to befriend Saiki. You noticed that he noticed something about you. And then you caught him in the act.

"You're a psychic?"

"Please don't tell anyone..."

"It's okay. Your secret is safe with me, Saiki."

You found out that Saiki cannot read your mind, which was weird since you have thoughts like any other person. On the other hand, you haven't told Touma about your discovery. Furthermore, Saiki doesn't know that Touma sent you as a spy. So basically, you're lying to both parties. And you don't know if that's a bad thing...


You're now a second year in PK. You were still waiting for Touma. For a few months, you have been contemplating whether you should just spit out the truth to both Saiki and Touma. And you found out, that you had deeper feelings for Touma, rather than liking him. And on the day he came...you weren't in the same class. He was in Saiki's class.

"Psst! Touma!"

"Oh, Y/n. Hey, why are you calling to me softly? Are you doing that because our schoolmates find me annoying and you don't want others to find out that we're friends or something along those lines? Well, first of all, we are friends. More importantly, have you found out anything-"


For everytime he talks fast, which is almost everytime he speaks, you feel his emotions flowing out. And that word...friend. It stung you.

"Come on, let's go talk somewhere private."

You take his hand, holding it tight, and led him to the rooftop. For the entire duration of that cutscene, Touma fell very silent. He was speechless, with his head hung low. You were slightly embarrassed as well, so you walked faster past the students in the school hallways.

'What is this I'm feeling? Could it be...?'

Once getting to the rooftop, you continued to lead him near a secluded area. It's somewhere where no one can eavesdrop on you two. You begin to have second thoughts. Can you confess here? What will you confess about? Your feelings or another secret? Somehow, you can feel Saiki's presence. So, you won't tell Touma.

"Touma, listen to me. You're right, we are friends. And unfortunately, I haven't got any information about Saiki. But there's something I want to say-"

"Say no more. Now that I'm here, I'll finish this."

He interrupted you. He's never done that before. Did his respect for you vanish because you couldn't complete your mission? His feelings are in a mix. Is he mad? Dissatisfied? Just before he could leave, you took a hold of his hand. You held on as tight as you can, not ever wanting to let him go.

"I want to say...that I...I love you!"

You couldn't look him in the eyes, your face was as red as a tomato, and you were pretty sure you just broke years of friendship. There's no going back...not even after you kissed him.

Your lips were a perfect match with his, fitting together perfectly. You were both in harmony. The short kiss was filled with mixed feelings. Sweetness, relief, comfort, confusion, and whatnot. Once pulling away, you fled from the scene and avoided the boy for a few days.

A few days later, you got a call from Saiki. He said that Touma was in his house and was turned to stone.

"Saiki! What did you do?"

"Sorry, I petrified your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend."

You barged into Saiki's room to see a stone statue of Touma standing in the middle. Later on, Saiki explains that he went back in time so that Touma won't know about him being a psychic. Apparently, that didn't work. So now, Saik decides to bring out the truth. He un-petrifies Touma and shows him his powers.

"You knew all along? And you didn't tell me?"

"I'm sorry, Touma."

Afterwards, the walk home with Touma went silent and awkward. There was nothing on the boy's mind except for the first kiss that he had.



He went and recreated that kiss.

The End.

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