Young Mastermind | Kusuo

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Requested by JustMeWoo

"Thanks again, Kuu-chan!"

Great. Just great. My parents leave and now I'm stuck with this psychic brat.

"I know what you're thinking, big brother Saiki!"

This one's worse than my neighbour. This is Saiki Y/n. My little sister. She's 4-years-old and has mind reading powers. She hasn't told her parents about her powers and on the other hand she knows about mine. She's gifted with the IQ of 200, which makes her a mini-Kuusuke...or more like a mini-demon.

"I'm bored!"

For the past hour, I used my powers to entertain her. She's just a bratty kid that can blackmail and outsmart me. We've already teleported to various islands and yet she's still bored. Unfortunately, I cannot read her mind even though she is my little sister.

"Let's go visit the park!"

*Ding dong*

"Saiki? Are you home?"

"Ah, it's that girl."

Teruhashi came by. She knows I'm here but she doesn't know that I'm babysitting Y/n.

"Big brother, are you planning to use me?"

"Children are one of Teruhashi's weakness. You'll be my shield for when we go to the park."

"If kids are her weakness, how the heck will she have her own offsprings?"

"Don't ask unrelated questions. Let the audience answer that for themselves.

The Saiki siblings are all immune to her beauty. This might just go well. If Y/n agrees to my plan, I will have to treat her with (favourite/food).

"Carry me, big brother!"

I opened the door whilst Y/n was snuggled in my arms. Let's let her sweet smile deceive this so-called-angel.

"Ah, Saiki! Eh? Is this your sister?"

Y/n and I are formulating a plan as we go. Since I can see the near future, this should go the way I planned.

"Hi there! My name's Teruhashi. What's yours?"

Y/n hides her face in my shirt, just like we planned. She'll pretend to be scared of strangers, but in fact Teruhashi's 'perfection' might blind her. Gross perfection. Y/n sticks to the belief that nobody is perfect.

"Big brother, can we go to the park?"

*Time skip to the park*

With me carrying Y/n, there's no way Teruhashi can make a move. Apparently, she's busy thinking. I put her down so she can play at the swings.

I swear, I only closed my eyes for a second and then she was gone! Stupid brat. 'Y/n you better come out of hiding or else.'
I know she can hear me but she's not responding.

"Let's split up to look for her then meet back at this bench."

So Teruhashi and I went around calling for Y/n. The sun was about to set when I found her behind the bench.

"You brat."

"I tried to see what you would do."

"Good grief. Let's just go home."

Little did I know that Teruhashi found us out.

"Y/n called me from home."

A said note was left on the bench by Y/n. Poor Teruhashi tried so hard to look for her.

"Huh? There's something written in the back..."

"I am immune to your beauty and I am your weakness. You must prove yourself if you want to be worthy of my brother. Signed, Y/n."

The End.
(A/N: This turned out shittier than I expected. Sorry for that.)

End Note: Let us make sure that this book lives on...for it to die peacefully.

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