Big Sister | Shun

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Requested by Hanakolight
*Sorry for being a disappointment

"Onee-chan, can you tell me a story?"

"Sure. What do you want it to be about?"


Ever since his birth, Kaidou Y/n has always been beside Shun. The girl was four years older, thus, she was obliged to be the best big sister for Shun. She never once let him down. Despite their age gap, Y/n always made time for her cute little brother. Although she was spoiling him a bit too much, she taught Shun to always do the right thing, just like what a big sister should do. Y/n always looked out for her little bro.

Y/n has trust issues. With that said, she only trusts her family. Though, she has one best friend who she considers a sibling. But when Shun brings friends over, which is extremely rare, she goes "interrogator onee-chan" mode.

As Shun grew up, the big sis was concerned about him not having any friends. When he brought Saiki and Nendou over, she was a bit relieved. But that's not all. Of course, she had noticed his change in style. She also took note of the bandage markings on his hands, but decided not to question him about it.

"I'm home!"

"Shun? Is that you?"

"Onee-chan! I missed you!"

Y/n was in university. And she's studying hard, like the usual. She was an English major, hoping to become a successful author one day. Since she had longer classes, she barely got any time to spend with her family.

"Oh? Who's this?"

"This is my buddy, Kuboyasu Aren."

"Ni-Nice to meet you!"

"Hm. Likewise."

Y/n was a weird girl too. She once thought that Kuboyasu was gay and that he had the hots for Shun. That ended quite awkwardly.

"Please take care of my little brother Shun."

In spite of everything she's ever done, Y/n is a good person. She has flaws like every other person in the world. She made many mistakes like any other human.

"I'm sorry, Shun."

"Onee-chan? What are you saying sorry for?"

"For everything."

Today, we all stood at her grave.

"I tried my best to be a good sister. I don't know if I failed. I was too overprotective of you, I guess."

She lived a good life. She was happy.

"To be honest, I never found a reason to live, even though I want to be an author so badly. But then I realised, I want to live for you."

Shun deeply regretted not being there for her.

"I'm sorry too, onee-chan."

Two days after her graduation, Y/n passed away peacefully.

"I'm sick. I only have at least a year left to live."

She worked hard to graduate with a degree and a few honors, at least to make her mother happy.

But the thing is, she never told anyone about her illness. It was hard for her, but she kept on going. For her family, for the ones she live for. Even though she is in a better place now, she remains watching over her loved ones.

The End.

A/n: I'm loosing the motivation to (write shit) exist.

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