It's That Photo | Aren

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Requested by A_girl_16
*Thank you once again for the tips! (And sorry for the long wait!)
*contains minor spoilers from Manga Chapter 280

※ Basing this from Chōchō Akimichi from Boruto (she's cool!)
P.S. You have short hair


"You're fat!"

They all kept laughing at me.


I tried to hide how much I was hurt. But I don't care anymore.

Comparison is the thief of joy.

For every moment you devalue your worth and your body, you took away your own right to be contented with your life. For every time you compare yourself to other girls, you're only making yourself feel like trash. It took you long before you learned to accept yourself completely, for afterwards you found yourself two gals who understood your position.

"Good morning, Y/n."

"Good morning, Yumehara. To you as well, Mera."

They say that the key to true happiness is physical exercise, and so far, you've only been doing fifty air squats everyday. Besides that, you consume a tremendous amount of food and you never get sick.

Now, let's get on with the story.

You were a student in Class 2-4. Yes, you're fat, blah blah blah. Yes, you have a weight complex, yada yada yada. But does that really matter? No. Body figures don't matter. Like what they said, never judge a book by its cover. And yes, you've been teased, you've been badly hurt at some point. Skip the bragic tackstory. Enough about that. You are now in your second year of high school and honestly, you're glad to still have some people understand you.

Yumehara used to be fat. Mera shares the same love for food with you. The two girl friends of your aren't all that bad, but they're all that you have for now. Also, you have your kindness. Your classmates and teachers respect you for that. However, that doesn't mean that you're vulnerable and easily fooled. You may not be intelligent, but your way of thinking is definitely outside any goddamn box.

One morning, you were with Yumehara out in the hallway. As an agreement, after you lost a bet yesterday, you brought your baby pictures to show to the brunette gal.

"Aww! You're so cute~!"

"Oh, stop it, Yumehara!"

You two weren't the bestest of friends, mainly because you were in separate classes, but she definitely knows how it feels. Plus, you give the best teddy bear hugs. That day, you regretted bringing those pictures. Passing by behind you, four certain guys...

"Oh? Is that you when you were a baby?"

"Eh? Nendou?"

Again, let me say this, you were respected, even by the people you didn't know. Even the worst people in school respect you. Why? Because there have been rumours spreading about some 'incredible power' that you have. It's actually your aura and your influence. Aiura could tell that as well. Yeah, anyway, the Nendou appeared behind you, making you incredibly nervous. It's one thing showing baby pictures to a guy, but it's way different when someone like Nendou sees it- it's weird and nerve-wracking. You didn't have any available options besides running away. Butt you were dumb enough to leave one behind in Yumehara's hands. You're cunning but you make mistakes too.

"Y/n? Hey, come back here!"

So, the guys took your photo and made their comments. That photo took his attention.

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