"Date Night"

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※ I lost track of requests but...miwicwings

{let's pretend that Kuboyasu has a journal *ehem-diary-ehem* okay?}

"How about we go to the movies? All three of us."

"Yeah, sure."

"Alright! I'll see you guys at 7."

That was the plan. All three of us. And yet look where I end up...

"Is Y/n not coming?"

"Sorry, Shun. She said that she got bit by a stray dog."

Damn you, Y/n! I know you set me up to be alone with Shun! I know that you know that I like him but you didn't have to go too far and play matchmaker.

"Tickets for two, please."

"Enjoy the movie!"

And the movie had to be horror. What could ever go wrong?


The movie theatre was quiet. It was dim and warm. The mood was set for the horror film.

Shun and I got settled down in the middle row with the popcorn and drinks. And since Y/n won't be here, I wouldn't happen to have a plan or whatever of the sorts.
Then the movie begins.

It was okay at first. The plot wasn't all that bad. The jumpscares came later.
But then...there was that really scary one. It nearly made my soul jump out of my body. And I'm not exaggerating.

At that moment, the whole theatre screamed bloody murder. (※ The Conjuring? Or some other horror...?)

The whole theatre shrieked loudly but that wasn't what took Kuboyasu's attention.

Kaidou had let out a girly shriek and clung to his friend's arm. Kuboyasu can't blame him, that part was really scary.


"It's okay..."

As they continued to share the popcorn- with their hands brushing each other from time to time- and with a few more jumpscares here and there, the movie date was an overall success.

After the movie- which scared the life out of poor Shun- we both sauntered back to Y/n's place (where we'd sleep over).

"Are you okay, Shun?"

"Yeah. The movie gave me a fright is all."

Right then and there, I decided that I should make the first move. I reached for his hand. It was warm. And that warmth enveloped me despite the cold winds of the evening.

"Can we do this again...some other time?"

I couldn't look him in the eye...but his response took me aback.

"Of course, Aren!"

I looked up at him, and he was smiling. Ahh, that smile of his. It melted my heart.

I can't wait for our next date.

The End.


The two boys go back to Y/n's place to find out that she really was bitten by a stray dog. But still, she smirked at the two. Her plan was executed perfectly.

Y/n: So? How was the movie?

Kaidou: It was pretty scary

Kuboyasu: *whispers* You're dead to me, Y/n...

※ I'm sorry this sucks. I'm pissed right now and I wish it's possible to ban or block people on Wattpad...

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