Expectations | Kineshi

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For Smut-Please and Anime_Girl167

Everybody likes Hairo Kineshi. Everyone treats him as a friend. He's the most righteous guy you've ever met. He may be extreme at times, but he isn't just like any other man. He's the man.

"Why don't you just try?"

"I told you, he'll just give the same reply. He'll say that he's gonna be busy after school."

It wasn't everyday that someone would actually have a crush on Hairo. Sure, he has a lot of fans, but he thinks of everyone as friends and treats them equally. Because of this fact, Hairo would never think of the possibility that someone has a real actual crush on him.

"Then he might ask you for help and that will be your chance!"

"I don't know..."

You were barely even noticed by him, as you're just a simple background character. You were always his shadow ever since middle school. You were always classmates, yet you never talked. You doubt he even knows your name. And you know you barely have a chance.

You spent the whole day thinking. You barely payed attention in class. And that was your mistake. It's was P.E. and you were all playing dodgeball. You weren't paying attention at all...thus, you got hit in the face. Before you completely blacked out though, you heard his voice.


You'd wish he'd call you by your first name...

You woke up in the infirmary. To your surprise, he was there. He fell asleep whilst leaning on the wall. You didn't even expect him to be there at all, and to see him sleeping is a new sight.


"Oh, L/n! You're awake! Are you feeling alright?"

"Um, y-yeah, thanks."

"No problem! Rest up, alright?"

He smiles at you, just like the kind person he is. Such a gentleman, really. He deserves more but he should pipe down his workout, before he becomes full meat bodybuilder. Hairo's pretty oblivious to love.

"Ugh, valentines..."

Yes, we skipped to Valentine's Day. Of course, you expect ZERO chocolate since you were only in a closed group of girls. Some of your friends got chocolate but you didn't care. Seriously, who here cares about valentines?


"If you're gonna ask me anything related to receiving chocolates, I won't answer."

Out of all the people, you really didn't expect Hairo, but somehow you just gave him a nonchalant reply. You never even asked him for chocolate!

"Why are you giving me this?"

"I always get too much, to be honest. I figured you didn't get any, so I wanted to share some with you."


Hairo's really friendly. True, he gets a lot of chocolates, but he eats them all and is grateful for their efforts. Why would he even share it with you?

"Oh my gosh, he totally likes you!"

"Are you insane?"

No matter how many times your friends tell you that Hairo likes you back, you don't believe them. Even though you've had crushes, you don't know what it's like to be actually liked back. That's why you're oblivious. Oh my goodness, you're both oblivious!

However, obliviousness can lead to something noticeable.



"Do you want to walk home together?"

"Don't you have club activities or something?"

"Nope. I'm free!" (make us fre--slapped)

Everything just went wild for you this year. For the most part, you've never had interactions with the sporty boy. You just love staring at his butt. This is a first. Gosh, it's like those things you'd see in a romance anime and manga.

You didn't expect anything to happen, but you were still, somewhat, shocked. Well, besides the part of him helping random people along the way. You wouldn't expect anything from him except his best.

"I'll see you tomorrow!"


No, you weren't love-struck nor anything else. Sure, you had a major crush on him but it's not 100%. So there you were, dozing off in class. You have no worries about grades mainly because you ace all the tests. And speaking of tests, you just got back the results of your English test from the other day.

"L/n, what score did you get?"

"I got a perfect score. What about you, Hairo?"

As cliche as this sounds, but you got to know him more, thus leading to a better friendship. Again, let me say this; Hairo's very friendly, but you never expected to be friends with him.

To Be Continued...?

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