"Kusuo and Y/n"

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'Ah, there's Saiki! Alright, Kokomi. This is your chance! Just walk up to him calmly and smile and say what you need to say.'

"Hey, Saiki! I just wanted to say-"

"Excuse me."

Saiki Kusuo woke up feeling good that day. There's no way he'd let anyone ruin this special day for him.

'He didn't even bow or look at me!'


"Good morning, Y/n."

'Is that...Saiki's girlfriend?!'

Yes, Teruhashi. Y/n is my girlfriend and the one and only love of my entire life. I may have exaggerated a bit but I'm telling the truth. Now, since I do not want to be bothered by any unimportant voices, therefore; I shall use my germanium ring. There, much more better.

"Happy Birthday, Kusuo!"

"Gee, Y/n. You really went and baked me a cake? And you bought a present too?"

"Of course! As your lover, I have to shower my love and affection for you!"

This girl before me is really the one. My soulmate.

"Thanks, Y/n. I love you."


"What's your name?"

"I'm Y/n. You are...?"

"I'm Saiki."

She caught his eye. Amongst all the people whose skins weren't seen, Saiki saw her face. He fell in love. She wasn't smiling and she didn't catch any guy's attention except his. Despite her neutral mask, he was mesmerised...and confused.

Because of his powers, he could never see people's outward appearance. He couldn't call anyone ugly. But when he saw her, she became his definition of the word beautiful. He was awestruck. He wondered as well as to why he couldn't fully read her mind. It took him a while to find out the reason.

It's because Y/n's special.


"Thanks for the gift, Y/n. And the cake. I really loved it."

That day, Y/n's gift to her boyfriend was an expensive premium coffee jelly. The cake she baked tasted like coffee jelly as well.
Saiki was more than amazed at his spectacular girlfriend.

For the whole day, they just stayed right next to each other. On that day, everyone saw a different side of Saiki, who was smiling genuinely.

"I really love you, Y/n."

"I love you more, Kusuo."

Saiki gives Y/n the second button from his uniform, despite them not graduating yet.
Saiki popped the question to Y/n, despite that they weren't at the proper age yet. She says yes anyway.

"In sickness and in health, I promise to love you for all eternity, until the day I die, until death do us part."

"Y/n, you're the greatest gift I could ever receive."

The End!


*I know I published early...

*I know I published early

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