Secret Witch | Kusuo

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Italics = thoughts

One day, there came a transfer student from another place. The girl was of (ethnicity) descent, and also spoke English. She was an open book and a very friendly girl. She has nothing to hide...except for her sins. If people find out, she'd be burned.

"I hate Teruhashi Kokomi with a passion."

"Nah, hate is the wrong word. I despise her. I loathe her."

"It'll be fun putting a curse on her."

L/n Y/n is a witch.

'What a wonderful day for the beautiful me~!'

Look at Teruhashi Kokomi. She thinks she's the most beautiful girl in the world. Tch. (I wanna caller her an "it") She thinks she owns the world. Well, not this time. Welcome to my domain.

Upon stepping outside her house, the blue haired girl had noticed a drastic change in her life.

'Wh-Why? How come nobody is saying "Oh" as I walk by?!'

It was torment for Teruhashi. She was utterly confused and she wanted to cry. Actually, she did try that technique of hers. What was it called again? "Demon Tears?" Yeah, it didn't work. On that glorious day, only girls bothered to talk to the girl.

That afternoon, Teruhashi sat alone in the classroom. It wasn't long till she realized something. No interruptions.

'Wait. If no one can bother me...then CAN I APPROACH SAIKI?!'

"Y/n! What did you do?"

"Crap. I forgot she was smart."

Y/n and Saiki sat together, the other main boys surrounding them.

"You got rid of her fanboys and Kokomins, didn't you? Great, she's coming this way."

"Don't fret, darling. I have a back-up plan."

Y/n holds a sinister smile as they watch a scene unfold before them. The witch whispers to Saiki, "Just watch."


"Oi. What do you want with Saiki?"

The secret witch wouldn't want Teruhashi to ruin her plans. Her back-up bodyguards, the boys. Nendou, Kaidou, Kuboyasu, Hairo, and Toritsuka, all formed a barricade in front of Saiki and Y/n.

"Don't talk to our pal unless you have an appointment."

"Get lost."

Right after that scene, Teruhashi ran away crying.

The next day, everything went back to normal. Teruhashi doesn't know what to feel or what to do since that day was an absolute nightmare for her.

"Time to torment Teruhashi again!"

You wake up early with a smile on your face, thinking of another way to mess with Teruhashi. Saiki hears you, and decides to stop your evil. He teleports to your room. (Please pretend you don't sleep naked.)

"Y/n, will you stop?"

"No. It's fun."

Before you can do anything else, Saiki pushes you onto the bed.

"You want me to show you real fun?"


The End.

※ Wtf. Crappy chapter.
Vote Kaidou Shun for 'Best Girl'

Question: May I join the Teru-Haters Fanclub? And the Saiki Protection Squad?
Answer: Anyone who hates Teruhashi and wants to protect Saiki with their life is allowed to join both :)

Next Up: Saiki Kusuo [Lemon]
*To be published on July 26, 2018
*I will be publishing this when my clock strikes 11:55 PM
(Pray for me!)

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