This Drunk Woman | Aren

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For IShipAll4Life and rainymaine
Requested by LastDropOfSanity
*Thank you for waiting again

※ AniNews: Happy Sugar Life releases its first episode!

"Kuboyashu Aren was here~! What the heheee!"

"Please shut up and go to sleep."

"Oi! You ain't my mom! Bastard..."

Sadly, Kuboyasu's girlfriend for three years cannot control her alcohol. It was Y/n's first time drinking, since her parents never let her drink till she graduated from university. How was Kuboyasu supposed to know that his girlfriend can get drunk easily? Now, he has to suffer the consequences; her drunken weirdness!

"I was your clashmate in PK Academia and you only talked to me in college! Damn you! Argh! That damn girl too...! Ehh, what was her name again? Nevermind, she ain't important. Ah, well, I never knew you back then, soooooooo..."

His girlfriend should've come with a warning label or some shit. Kuboyasu doesn't know what to do except wait for her to fall asleep. This is one long damn night for sure.
'Note to self; remember to keep booze away from Y/n.'

"You listening to me? Oi! I could beat the shit outta ya!"

"I know..."

While Y/n mumbled some incoherent noises, Kuboyasu was brought back to the recent past. He never knew that she was just in the background. She was a mere shadow in the picture, a shadow he never looked at.

"Good morning to all. If you don't want to fail, you need to find a tutor buddy or some shit like that."

"Man, our professor this year is so extra."

He only met her in university. That was not too long ago. He needed a tutor for that time, but he barely knew anyone. Thence, a little prayer was answered.

"Yo, Y/n, be my tutor again!"

"Hey, I asked her first!"

"I ain't tutoring anyone anymore, ya idjits."

She wore square-rimmed reading glasses. Under those glasses were (e/c) orbs. He also noticed that the girl was tired. She obviously might not have gotten enough sleep.

"Um, excuse me?"

"Huh? What d'ya want?"

Although the college was top-notch, there was the smart but lazy student who only dressed in jeans, sweaters, and sneakers. (whatever brand u want bro)
That was L/n Y/n.

"Can you tutor me...please?"


She was laid-back, barely seen to be studying. She's somewhat popular and actually very intelligent. She's the most mysterious woman he's ever met. But still, he went and hit it off with her, and now, they're official.


"I wanna wanna touch youuuuu~"

"Just so you know, I'll be laughing at you once you get sober."

As a couple, they definitely had fights here and there. But all is good. The two love each other, despite all their flaws. Looking past that, they found happiness.

"Y/n...will you be my girlfriend?"

"Wh-what's with the sudden question?"

Sure, there were times when the conflict was too much. Kuboyasu had to make up for all his mistakes.

"Aren never drinks! And neither do I!"

"Shh, just let it all out, Y/n."

"He suggested to come to this party to socialize, not to hit on other fucking bitches! He wasn't even that drunk! What the fuck?!"

Regrets and mistakes were made.

Kuboyasu: Hey, Jori. Have you seen Y/n? She's not answering my calls and texts.

Jori: She was puking at the party last night. She saw you hitting on some random chick, too. Do you know how fucking mad she was?

Kuboyasu: Oh man...I'm so sorry...

Jori: You know what, if you don't bother looking for her right now and if you won't be begging for an apology, she'll break up with you and probably chop your little dick off.

Still and all, you loved him from the bottom of your heart. So did he.

"Aren, I love you..."

"I love you too, Y/n."

'I love this drunk woman. And I will always love her no matter what.'

Glancing at his table, his eyes trailed to a small box that contained a beautiful, simple ring...


The End!

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