Rich Wedding | Metori

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"Ha! As if I'd marry a peasant like you!"

"Don't call me a peasant!"

Oh well. How did I ever get here? And if you're thinking, no, I did not propose to Saiko Metori. I will never marry that rich arrogant, selfish brat even if he were the last man on Earth.


"Don't use that tone with me!"

"But why? We aren't bankrupt!"

"If you don't get married to the scion of the top-notch Saiko Conglomerate then we might as well be bankrupt!"

My parents announced that I, the beloved scion of the L/n Conglomerate, will be marrying the son of the Saiko Corporation- the one guy I despise.
Saiko looked at me weirdly when I came to school. I guess he knows about the arranged marriage too.

"Out of all the women in the world, I had to be engaged to a poor one."

"I am not poor."

This narcissistic bastard thinks he's better than me. I have more humanity than he does! Riches don't mean anything.
In all honesty, I'd rather die than live a married life with someone I despise. Who even does arranged marriages nowadays? So lame.
Sure, Saiko has good looks, but his crappy personality destroys everything else. He reminds me of how when I was a really bratty kid.

"I need to find a way to help my parents without having to marry trash."

My parents would be devastated if they went bankrupt. Yeah, they don't really care about me. That's fine. As long as we have money, I can still be with the one I love; anime.

"Ah, there'll be a new episode of my favorite show on Wednesday! I'm looking forward to it!"

When I was a kid, one of my maids introduced me to anime. She was a nerd, but nonetheless, she was as close to being my own mother. How funny, the maids and butlers loved me more than my parents did. Anyway, if anyone finds out about my addiction, that's alright. But if Saiko finds out, he'll have something to tease me about again. If only I had a quirk to make him shut up.

"Holy Grail..."

"What was that?"

"Gah! S-Saiko?!"

No way. Is he stalking me? He's been sneaking up on me like this for quite some time. He always catches me whenever I'm alone. Suspicious...

"Aren't you supposed to be going home?"

"I could ask you the same, peasant."

Call me peasant one more time, I dare you. I double dare you. No, calm down Y/n. He's just pissing you off and it makes you want to strangle him!

"That's it. I'm going home."

Of all the places, you'd find me on the rooftop. I turned to leave, but then a hand latched onto mine, abruptly stopping me in my tracks. Oh no, please don't let this be a weird confession or anything. I've watched too much romance to know what's going to happen. I'm praying, please don't do anything, Saiko.



I looked over my shoulder, I saw him with his head down. Unbelievable, the rich boy is blushing with his head down? This is too much shonen. I tried to retract my hand but his grip was iron.

"I'm sorry. Let's start over."

Am I mishearing this?


"Maybe one day, we can have a rich wedding."

¥ ¥ ¥


"What is it, Metori?"

"You look ugly."

"Thanks. So do you."

"By the way..."

"What? Can't you just go order your servants? I'm kinda thirsty too..."

"What's anime?"


The End.

A/N: I can't believe this is shorter than the previous shot...

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