"Love And Afterlife"

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"Kusuo, I think it's time I let you cross that barrier."

Ever since the accident that I got into a few years ago, my mind has become an abomination. I hear thoughts that aren't mine, and I see visions that I don't understand. There's something going on and I can't explain it. But no matter what happens, I don't ever want to abandon Kuu.

It was snowing. The field of tranquility was no more. Everything was covered in white snow and freezing ice. This never happened before. This wasn't supposed to happen. And...it looked like there was a blizzard coming. Because of the fog and the wind, I can't see anything.


"I'm right here, Kuu."

I look to my left, and there she stood, still as beautiful as ever. But something's wrong. She was wearing a nice white dress, matching everything that surrounded us. It would have been better if it was summer. Isn't she cold? Too bad that I don't have a jacket with me right now.

"Why is it snowing? Aren't you supposed to be asleep? Aren't you cold?"

I don't know why it's snowing either. Why was she just standing there...like a statue? Was she frozen. Uh oh, I can't move. I can barely move my feet due to the thickening snow. My legs were starting to go numb. What's going on? Y/n isn't supposed to be awake either...
Too many thoughts rang in my head.

"I don't know. I don't feel cold either. In fact, I can't feel anything anymore."

"Let's go back, Y/n! Take my hand!"

The winds blew stronger. I can barely hear or see anything except snow. My feet were slowly but surely sinking in the deep snow. I held out my hand to her. My eyes were squinting due to the snow and wind. Beautifully patterned snowflakes fell but I praid no mindto them. Y/n is my focus. Y/n is here, I know she's-

"I can't."

In a sudden flash, she disappeared.


The winds stopped blowing. The snowflakes froze mid-air. My feet weren't buried in the snow anymore. There was no trace of her, nowhere to be found. I frantically looked around, even called out to her as loud as I could. Echoes were the only thing that came back to me. I felt something warm in my hands. When I took a look, I saw a key in my left hand and a few words written on my right palm, "I will reappear again once you cross the other side."
Right after reading those words, a white door appeared before me. I used the gold key to see what's inside. A white bright light greeted me. And after that, I ended up in a hospital. A delivery room, to be exact.

There was a woman giving birth. It was obviously the husband beside her. And...there she was. A beautiful baby girl was born.

"What will you name her?"


Another flash of light, and I was brought to another scene. There, I saw a little Y/n playing all by herself in her backyard. There was someone moving out next to them. The neighbors were leaving, huh? I never knew Y/n had these memories. Even she didn't remember this.

A poor, unfortunate soul...simply playing with a teddy bear, probably full of broken dreams.

"Y/n? Where are you?"

I'm thankful that her mother is still the kind and pure soul that raised Y/n with deserving love.

"Mama, there's a man with pink hair over there in the corner. He's wearing white."

"Honey, I think you're seeing ghosts..."

She saw me? She points at me like it's normal to see a ghost with pink hair.

"It's okay. He's gone now."

I ended up in another scene that was nearly similar to the last. It was in Y/n's room. She was under the covers, playing with the same teddy bear. There was shouting coming from the other room. It went on for a while. It didn't take me that long to guess what was happening.

"Just leave!"

The slam of the door was more than enough. It made Y/n cry silently. Now that her father has been driven out, her mother is the only person left to give her love. That was before I met her then.

Y/n's school days weren't important. I went straight to high school. She didn't go to PK, so that was a bummer. Before entering second year, that's when the accident happened. Her mother died on the accident as well. That, I never knew.

I close my eyes as the bright light shines again. I found myself back where I started. The field of tranquility. This time, it was the end of spring. I watched as the cherry blossom petals fell on her face whilst she peacefully rested under the tree. I joined my girlfriend for her last moments.

"I had forgotten what happened back then. Thank you for finding my past."

"But it wasn't really important to you."

"Yes. What matters is the future."

This time, she leaned on my shoulder, and we both watched the beautiful petals dance in the wind. The clouds drifted by, time flew by us unknowingly. This moment couldn't get anymore perfect.

"In another life, I wish to marry you."

"Let me just stop you there and say I do."

Our fingers intertwined and I gave her one last kiss.

"I love you."

The End.

Omake: (not at all related to the one-shot)

"Hey. Come over."

"What? Wh-?"

"There's a cockroach."

"Don't worry, I'm on my way."

And on that day, Y/n had to exterminate a cockroach for her boyfriend Kusuo.

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