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Troye couldn't stop staring at his choker.

Everytime he looked in the mirror he spent an extra few minutes looking at it, if he wasn't in the mirror he'd be playing with his little charm.

"I take it you like the choker." Jacob says with a chuckle.

Troye nodded his head. "Very much so," He says. "It matches your eyes."

Jacob smiles. "I'm glad you noticed, it was the clerks idea. My bracelet matches yours."

"I love it," Troye says walking over to Jacob. "Thank you very much," He then kisses Jaocb on the cheek. "Daddy."

"You're welcome Kit," Jacob said. "If I'm being honest I would have talked myself out of it if it wasn't for Amy." 

"She went with you?" Troye said. 

Jacob nodded his head. "Yeah but I think the whole experience was too much for her, she left before I could even get it." 

"We should set Amy up with someone," Troye said looking down at his choker. "Maybe if we do she'll be happy again." 

The taller man sighs. "Your hearts in the right place Kitten but we don't know enough about Amy to find her a neko, hell, we barely know nekos ourselves other than Tyler." 

Troye's ears flatten. "Oh," He says. "You're right."

"But hey," Jacob says tilting Troye's chin up she his eyes met Jacob's. "It was very sweet of you to think of Amy," Jacob pets the top of Troye's head which causes him to pur. "I'm sure she would have loved the gesture."

Jacob sighs, "So." He says. "Is there anything special my kitten wants to do today." 

Troye blushed at the mention of 'my kitten' as well as fighting back the urge to say 'you' as he giggled and kissed Jacob on the noes. 

"I don't know," He said. "But I do like it when you call me yours." 


Jacob had never been to Amy's  house. 

The fact dawned on him as he pulled up to her house. It was just him as Troye demanded to see Tyler, probably to boast on the fact that he and Jacob were finally dating. 

He got out of his car and walked up to her house. It was nothing big, not that he expected to house to be big she did live alone. It looked fairly new compared to the houses adjacent to hers. Jacob took a deep breath before knocking on the door, he was a little nervous, he hadn't spoken to her since the mall and that was two days ago.

Two days is a lot for people who text all the time. 

Once he knocked on the door he waited a few minutes before the door open and a somewhat tired looking Amy answered the door. 

"You're wearing the bracelet," Amy pointed out. "He must've said yes then... not like he was going to say no."

Jacob chuckled awkwardly. "C-can I come in?" 

Amy opens the door more and steps out of the way. Jacob walks in, takes of his shoes and follows Amy into her living room. "So what's up, you sounded pretty all over the place on the phone, don't tell me you and Troye are already having a fight?"

Jacob shook his head, "We're fine." He said. "I actually wanted to ask you if you were okay."

Amy shrugged. "I've been better."

"I'm sorry," Jacob said. "You literally got pulled into all of this. Troye and I literally dumped everything on you without even thinking about how you'd feel."

Amy waved him off. "Trust me, I'll be fine. It's just that seeing the two of you together brought back some memories that I kept down the past two years." 

"Wanna talk about it?"

Amy looked at him. "You really wanna listen fucked up love life."

Jacob shrugged. "You helped us, the least I could do is listen to your problems."

The girl sighed. "Well..." She said. "We started off like you and Troye. Two friends scared to tell the other their feelings. There were times where I thought I should say something but then I thought 'what if she doesn't feel the same way'. So... I never told her and when I finally did it was too late, she'd found someone else and I don't blame her. I could've never been the person she wanted." She dabs at the corner of her eyes with her sleeves.

"Amy," Jacob said. "I bet there is someone out there for you, you just need to get back into the game."

"You're funny," Amy says.

Jacob chuckles. "I'm serious Amethyst," He says. "How about this, this weekend all of us are going to go out and you are going to find yourself a neko."

"A bunch of drunk cat human hybrids," Amy says. "Funnn."

Jacob pushes Amy playfully. "You know what I mean Amy, I'm not letting you talk yourself out of this." 

The shorter girl rolls her eyes. "Fine..."

Jacob claps his hands together. "Great, I already told the others that we were going."

"So then what were you going to do if I said no."

Jacob shrugs. "Kidnap you of course."

Amy punches Jacob in the arm. 

He grabs his arm. "Um... ow!"

Amy chuckles. "Oh calm down I didn't hit you that hard. Come on we got an hour or two before you go get Troye, let's watch something."

"Oh my god can we watch Call Me By Your Name, I haven't seen it yet."

Amy gasp. "You, a gay male haven't seen what I think is the most best gayest film," She says jokingly. "Then we must."

The duo shares a laugh as Amy pulls the movie up on her TV.


just a filler

okay so delicatebix gave me an amazing idea for a story and it was really good.

let's just say i already have three parts made and im excited for you guys to read itt

also happy pride month(:

s/o to my fellow lgbt+ people and the ones that support.

are you guys going to pride?

also i made a curious cat? the link is on my profile feel free to ask me things? if you want?

idk it's just me trying to be interactive with you guys


such a tease 🍭 tracob {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now