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After almost getting pulled over several times for speeding Jacob and Amy pull up to the café where it all started. Neither one of them got out of the car. 

"Okay..."Amy says. "We're at Rosanna's, are we not going inside."

Jacob shakes his head. "No, we are just going to look around."

"Are you being sarcastic?"

Jacob makes a face and shakes his head. "I'm not... when you were here with Troye and you scared Connor off did he get in a car and leave?"

"I wasn't really paying attention to that but I'm pretty sure he walked. But that could mean several things, Rosanna's is one of the most popular places. He could've parked somewhere less crowded."

Jacob looks at the café and then looks at the area around the building. "There aren't any parking lots, at least public parking near Rosanna's."

Ay looked at her surrounding and begin to drum her fingers on the dashboard. "Well..." She says. "If Connor had to drive to get here than any of these developments out."

She looks over at Jacob. "You sure you don't wanna try where you found Troye," She says. "Surely if he ran to that alley way; where Connor lives couldn't be far from there."

Jacob sighs as he pulls out of the parking in front of Rosanna's. "It's wort a try." He says .


Connor moved Troye from a chair to just being tied up  and sat in the corner of his old isolation room. There was food in the room but Troye refused to eat it. In his mind if he had eaten the food that Connor was giving him it would mean he was giving into Connor's temptations. It had been a week since Connor had taken Troye, and within that week Connor had made attempt after attempt to get Troye on his side.

"I do love you," Connor said sitting on the floor across from the little neko.

Troye looks up. "It doesn't seem like it," He said. "If you loved me you would have came and looked for me the minute I ran away."

"You were hurt."

Troye sniffed. "I was hurt because you hurt me," He said. "If you had ran after me and tried to explain yourself I would've forgiven you."

Connor doesn't say anything.

"I-I loved you Connor," Troye said in a small voice. "B-but when you had just let me leave and not even try to save us... it broke me."

A tear started to fall down Connor face. He quickly wiped it away before scooting closer. "I-I could change Troye, I could change for you."

"Then let me go," Troye said. "Please."

Connor stood up quickly and started laughing. "You really had me fooled." He said. 

Troye made a face. "Wh-what are you talking about."

"No, no," Connor says. "Don't lie to me."


"No," Connor yelled causing the neko to jump. "Don't lie to me. You didn't love me at all, you just wanted to see me weak. You really thought I would have let you go?"

He squats to Troye's level and grabs him by his shirt. "You have another thing coming, pet." 


Jacob and Amy pulled up to the alley way that the tall american had found the young neko in. Jacob smiled sadly at the memory of their encounter. He never thought that this is where they would be a year later, especially with all of the things that are going on. 

"The notorious alley, huh?" Amy says.

Jacob looked around and sighed. "Yep." He says popping the 'p'. 

"Did Troye look dirty at all when you found him," Amy said. "Like he had been there for awhile, or did he look like he had just got there."

Jacob made a face. "Wanna say that it looked like he had just got there." 

Amy looked around at the surrounding houses before raising an eyebrow and pointing into a certain direction. "He's over there."

 Jacob looked at Amy and Amy looked at Jacob. "How did you get all of that from what little I told you."

Amy shrugged. "Not that it counts for anything but I do what a lot of CSI shows," She says. "You gotta pay attention to the small details. I think you got the rest from here right?"

Jacob nodded. "Sure do." He said before pulling off.



next chapter is gonna be a lot of stuff.

but then after it'll be fluff fluff. until the next "drama" (not as dramatic as the connor thing but still drama)

but mostly fluff fluff.

that's all


such a tease 🍭 tracob {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now