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*let's switch it up a little huh? idk if using "mommy" is uncomfortable for you guys so just know that it's going to be used. it's obviously not mean't to be in a legit mom/daughter way it's just how it it thats all. carry on. much love.* 


"It has to be at least a little weird when you see a person with ears and a tail." A guy that goes by the name of James says as him, Amy, and a few other people sit in the food court of the mall. 

"You get used to it after awhile Jay besides, they aren't even that noticeable unless a tail hits you in the face," Amy says with a chuckle. "You know for someone who's so opened to everything you sure can be close minded sometimes."

A girl with ombre hair snickers. "The only thing that's open to everything is his ass."

The entire group share a collective 'ooo' as James blushes. Amy simply smirks as she takes a drink of her root beer. "You're one to talk." She murmurs to herself.

"I'm not talking about me," He says. "Just in general." 

The girl who made the joke about James turns to Amy. "What about your neko, I don't see you parading her around."

Amy makes a face. "She's not a parade float Jess... she's a girlfriend. I don't see you parading around your boyfriend.... number six is it?"

Jess and Amy have a silent eye war before Amy smiles sarcastically. "Don't play if you can't win." She says. 

Jess flicks her off before talking to some other people sitting in the group. Amy smiled in satisfaction before checking the time on her phone. Her lunch break was over but she figured that if she left she wouldn't get in that much trouble. Besides, she hasn't seen her girlfriend since she left this morning (her girlfriend was asleep when she left)

"I'm leaving early," She says leaning towards James. "Cover for me?" She winks. 

James rolls his eyes. "You owe me lunch next time." 

Amy chuckles. "Later!"


Amy felt weird when she started walking towards her apartment, and the crack in the door confirmed it. She was sure that she locked the door and even if her girlfriend went somewhere she would close the door behind her but here it 

"Rose," Amy said walking in. "Darlin, are you in here?"

Amy walks in and sees her neko sitting on the couch sleeping next to a stuffed  owl. She smiled at the sight leaning up against the wall. 

"She's cute." A voice says. 

Amy jumps and turns around to see a pair of unfortunately familiar green eyes. Connor Franta was standing directly behind her with a towel draped over his shoulder. "She does that one ear flopped the other one pointed thing like Troye."

"Stay away from her!" Amy says, practically shooting daggers at Connor with her eyes. 

Connor puts a finger up to his lips. "Wouldn't want to wake your precious Rosemary... would we?" He says with a wink before heading into the kitchen. 

Amy looked back at Rose before following Connor into the kitchen. He went back to drying off the dishes and whistling a tune while doing so. 

"You're sick you know that." Amy said. 

Connor smirked. "You say sick I say passionate." 

Amy leans against the island in her kitchen. "If you think something like this is going to get Troye back then yeah you are. You're lucky that I haven't called the police on your ass yet."

Connor grabs a knife and does a quick turn on his heels. "And you're lucky I haven't killed you yet," He says slowly walking towards Amanda. "It's funny right? How someone could so easily control life and death." 

He's completely lost his fucking mind. 

"I could easily kill you Amy," Connor says pressing the knife against Amy's neck. "One swift movement and you're done."

Amy starts to panic. "You  need help Connor... you need to get help."

Connor presses his hand besides Amy's head and leans in. "What I need is Troye.... he's the reason I'm like this.... you and Jacob are in the way you are the problem not me," He laughs. "Usually when people have a knife to their throat they don't try to analyze me."

Amy laughs shakily. "You won't kill me."

 He pulls the knife back and looks at it in a weird way. "You're right I won't but I could, did you forget what I said. With this in my hand I could easily control how this pans out," He laughs to himself. "No pun intended." 

He puts the knife back and as he did Rose waddle into the kitchen. Amy quickly wipes away her tears and walks over to her neko.

"Are you okay darlin?" She says brushing some hair out of her face. 

She nods her head. " M'fine," She looks over to Connor. "Who that?"

Connor smiles. "A friend," He looks over to Amy. "Isn't that right.... Amy?"

Amy pushes Rose behind her in a protective manor. "You need to leave... right now."

The taller man walks towards the couple. Amy pushes Rose further behind her and the neko grips onto the taller girl, whimpering a little. Connor smiles before leaving the house. 

"Mommy..." Rose says. "Who was that? He was creepy."

Amy sighs. "Someone you don't need to worry about baby girl. He didn't touch you at all did he?"

The neko shakes her head. "No, I heard the door open but I just thought it was you... so I didn' wake up. Is he a bad guy."

"He's just sick darlin... very sick."

Rose tilts her head to the side. "Is he gon' get better?"

The human pulls the neko close and kisses the top of her head. "I don't know rose..." She says with a sigh. "I don't know."



i tried something new... did you like it. 

so connor is losing his shit. 

imma let yall know in advance i'm not going to be updating for about a week or two. i got band stuff going on and it's a lot right now and my body hurts. it's a lot. (i'll try and update more b4 i go)

also my old high school is getting torn down and they are letting us take bricks and i took one. it's chilling on my night stand in front of my joey graceffa book rn. 

um... i made a new story? it's called resuce? go check it out?

i'm tiredddd.

road work ahead?

yeah i sure hope it doe.

my biceps/forearms are starting to hurt and i need sleep.


such a tease 🍭 tracob {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now