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Troye walked sleepily down the stairs, he was wearing one of Jacob's hoodies and his ears were doing that one ear up the other one down thing that usually happened when he'd wake up. Jacob wasn't lying next to him when he woke up so he assumed that he was in the living room. 

The neko was right, Jacob was sipping some coffee and typing away on his laptop. His face was scrunched up as his fingers moved fast across the keyboard his eyes never leaving the screen. (a/n: aka me right now)

Troye quietly walked over to Jacob, he didn't want to interrupt him as his did seem pretty into whatever it was he was typing out, once he reached the living room the neko crawled on all fours until he was at Jacob's feet. 

Giving into his cat nature he rubbed his head against Jacob's leg until the man closed his laptop and placed it besides him.

"Well hello," Jacob said. "What are you doing kitten."

"Didn't wan' to interrupt you, you looked busy." He said in his sleepy voice. 

Jacob tilted his head. "Come on up Kitten," He said. 

Troye did as he was told hopping up on the couch before sitting besides Jacob. "What are ya doing daddy." Troye said. 

"Answering some emails," Jacob said. "Nothing that was more important than you Kit. I have a meeting to go to later today at three, you think you can be all by yourself when I'm leave."

Troye nodded his head before doing a little salute and giggling. "You can count on me Jakey!" 

The american laughed as he pulled Troye close to him. "You're a silly neko you know that?" He said rhetorically. 

Troye laughed as he went and sat on his lap. "You think I can come with you to your meeting?" He said. 

It occurred to him that when Troye asked that question he had never lied to the neko. Sure he never admitted to liking Troye but he considered that lying to himself.

"Um..." Jacob said. "I don't think you'd enjoy it kit. The m-meetings are pretty boring, even I space out from time to time." He added a chuckle after to try and make it seem like he wasn't lying. 

Troye wasn't buying it. 

"Are you lying Jakey, you seem like you're lying." 

Jacob kisses Troye. "I'm not lying." 

"Kissing me isn't going to distract me," Troye says. "But kiss me again please."

Jacob smiles as he grabs the sides of Troye's face and presses their lips together. Troye smiles into the kiss as the neko straddles Jacob's waist and wraps his arms around Jacob's neck. The American placed his hands on the dips of Troye's waist. After a while Jacob pulled away and rested his forehead on Troye's breathing heavily.

"Why'd you do that.." Troye whined. "I like kissing you." 

"I know," Jacob said. "I need to get  dressed and you have morning breath." 

Troye pawed at his shit. "Can I take a shower with you?" He says looking at Jacob through his thick eyelashes. 

"Yes, but no funny business." Jacob said. "I have things I need to do today."

Troye whined. "Jakey..."

 "Stop whining," Jacob says. "You can just take a shower by yourself if you wanna be like that."

Troye quickly shakes his head. "No, I'll be a good kitten." He says quickly.

Jacob smiles. "That's what I like to hear," He then pats Troye's butt. "Let's go take a shower."


Jacob sat in the far corner of Rosanna's. He figured if his conversation with Connor went south, they could do it in a less populated area of the café. 

He got there a little bit before three so he had some time to call a few people over at the agency and text Troye to make sure he was handling himself fine. He's left Troye home by himself before but since they had gotten together the little neko side of Troye shown more and Jacob didn't want that to happen if he wasn't there. 

Jacob looked around the café, he didn't know what Connor looked like but he was sure he could tell once he'd walk in. He'd be expecting to see a happy-go-lucky neko but would meet his not so happy-go-lucky boyfriend. 

After about five or ten minutes a boy walked in. He was shorter than Jacob but taller than Troye. He looked between his phone and the café several times before walking up to the barista. 

Jacob walked up to the barista and put down a ten dollar bill. "Whatever he wants is on me." He said.

The barista looked between Connor and Jacob before making his drink. Connor looked at Jacob who was looking at the pastry on display. 

"I don't know what you're trying to do here," Connor says. "But I'm here to meet someon-."

"Troye," Jacob said looking at Connor. "That's who you're here to meet isn't it?"

Connor looked at him, his mouth gaped open. "How did you-."

"Here is your drink sir." The barista says handing Connor his cup.

The shorter man smiles before grabbing the cup and looking at Jacob. The taller man smirks before walking over to his seat, he knew Connor would be following him. 

"You're his boyfriend aren't you," Connor said. 

Jacob shrugged before resting his head on his hands. "I guess you could say that."

Connor nodded towards the bracelet on his wrist. "That bracelet, the ribbon matches Troye's eyes doesn't it."

Jacob put one finger on his noes and pointed at Connor. "Bingo. You're smart Connor, you know what would be even smarter?"


The smile on Jacob's face falls. "If you'd stop texting my boyfriend, he doesn't want anything to do with you anymore. You kicked him out remember, you did you're damage stop causing more."

Connor scoffed. "That's the lie he told you?"

"Lying or not you left a neko in the alley way  and to top it all off you didn't think twice about him being out there all alone. If I wasn't walking home from work who knows if he'd still be alive."

"I would've looked for him."

Jacob scoffed. "When? Took you a year to text him," He sighed. "Look I'm not going to argue with you. Stop texting Troye, he doesn't want anything to do with you."

Jacob gets up and Connor quickly stands up, stopping Jacob from leaving. They look at each other for a solid two minutes. 

"You don't want to push me." Jacob said. 

Connor leaned in closer. "And you don't want to push me."

"I'm telling you right now Connor Franta this," He gestures between himself and Connor. "Is a warning." He nudges Connor out of the way.

 "The next time it wont be."




guyss im seeing sam smith tonight, im so excited!!!!!

we're seeing a different side of jacob lately, are you guys ready?

it wouldn't be a babybix story without drama ( ;

i wanna say something but i feel like it'll sound weird but what the hell.

anyone wanna be friends? im a p cool person, this sounds so cringy but like im always open to making new friends.

im cringing

that's all


such a tease 🍭 tracob {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now