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After awhile Troye kicked Jacob out of the room simply because he wanted Jacob to check on Amy because he couldn't do it. The taller man got up reluctantly before going down two flights of steps into the ICU. He remembered when they took Rose to Amy that her room was the third one on the right.

When he opened the door he saw Rose latched onto Amy. Amy had a thick piece of gauze covering her stitches. An IV was in her arm and and a monitor beeped steadily beside her.

"Doctors say I can go home tomorrow," Amy said. "If everything goes okay."

"And it will," Jacob said walking up to the bed.

Rose nodded her head. "You're big and strong."

Amy looked over at Rose and kissed her forehead. "Thank you darlin'." She says. 

"So how's the little nek," Amy says. "Ro told me what happened to him."

Jacob stuffed his hands into his pockets. "They got him on an IV," He said. "He can come home tomorrow."

It was silent between the three of them before Amy looked over to Rose. She moves some hair out of her face causing the neko to scrunch up her face. "You mind stepping out into the hall so me and Jakey could talk."

Rose gripped on her girlfriends blanket as a way of saying she didn't want to move. Amy places her hand over Rosemary's and smiles. "I'll be fine Rose," She said. "It's okay."

The little neko reluctantly hopped of the bed and walked out into the hall. Amy gestured for Jacob to sit down, the taller man does before giving Amy a weird look. 

"What's wrong?"

Amy sat up placing a hand carefully over her bandage to stop it the wound from hurting at least a little bit. "What..." She says taking a deep breath. "Are you going to do about Connor?"

"Well..." Jacob said. "He is charged for battery and assault and because he shot you with a gun that added a pretty sentence on top of him kidnapping and hurting Troye."

"Do they already have a court date?" Amy said. 

Jacob shook his head. "As far as I know no." He said. "I have a meeting with our lawyers next week. You sure know a lot about this."

"Another story for another time." Was all Amy said. 

It was silent for a few minutes before Amy tilted her head and looked up at Jacob. "Come sit down." She said.

Jacob sat down on the chair beside Amy. The smaller girl laughed. "I mean't on the bed goof."

He shifted onto the bed and gave his friend a weird look. "What's up."

"How are you?" Amy said. 


"How... are... you," Amy said. "Out of all of the chaos with Troye and Connor I never really asked you how you are doing, especially now."

Jacob sighed and scratched the back of his neck. "If I'm being honest," Jacob said. "Scared. This happened under my watch. I thought it was a good idea to leave Troye and Rose at the house. I thought they would be fine because Connor wouldn't be able to find him." 

"It's not your fault." Amy said. 

"Isn't it," Jacob said. "If I didn't text Connor from Troye's phone we might not be in this mess."

Amy shook her head. "And if you didn't you Connor would still be stalking him, you two wold still be looking over your shoulder." 

Jacob let his head fall.

"You did good Jacob," Amy said putting her hand on top of his. "You protected him in any way you could. Connor is the one that blew this out of proportion."

Jacob laughed. "For someone who was shot  at you sound so hopeful." 

The door cracked open and a pair of ears poked through the door. "Mommy," She said. 

Amy and Jacob looked at each other. "Baby," She said. "How much of that did you hear?"

Rose didn't respond she walked into the room and stood in front of Jacob. She looked at Jacob and Jacob looked at her. Amy studied his face her tongue poking out of her mouth whilst doing so.

"You're not bad Jakey," She says. "You're the bestest. Even if Mommy got shot, she protected you and you protected Tro Tro." She then kissed Jacob on the noes and Amy smiled.

Jacob smiled. "Thank you Ro." He said.

"Hey Rose," Amy said before yawning. "Why don't you go with Jacob to Troye's room."

Rose looked over to Jacob. "Can I?" 

"I'll do you one better." He said bopping Rose on the nose. "How about after we go see Troye you can come over to my house and spend the night? That way we can both come and pick up Troye and Amy."

Rose's eyes widened as she looked over to Amy. "Can I mommy," She says. "Can I, Can I."

Amy nodded her head and laughed. "Sure think kitten, I'll see you tomorrow." 

Rose ran over and kissed Amy on the nose before walking back over to Jacob, grabbed his hand and the duo walked out of the room.


"Tro! Tro!" Rose said running into to the white room and towards her best friend. 

Troye sat up and smiled as he wrapped his hands around her. Jacob followed in amd leaned against the wall watching the two interact.

"Rosey," Troye says after the two pull apart. "Are you okay, you-you were knocked out when-when..."

Rosemary shook her head. "M' fine Tro, you're the one I'm worried about when-when Connor took you..." Rosemary's ears flattened. "I thought I'd never see you again."

She quickly perked up. "But-but Oscie told me to be strong and that you would be okay, an-and you are." 

Jacob smiled, he had forgotten how much he liked seeing the two of them together. The two talked for a little before Troye yawned.

"Alright," Jacob said pushing himself off of the wall. "Think it's time to go Rosemary. You can see both of them tomorrow when they come home okay?"

Rose frowned. "Okay," She hops of the bed and walks over to Jacob and takes hold of his hand. "I'll see you tomorrow Tro Tro."

The male neko mirrors Rose's frown and waves. "Buh bye." He says waving his hand.


such a tease 🍭 tracob {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now