一 ⚠️⁉️

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It was late at night, Jimin was slowly walking to his next job from his shift at the supermarket that he worked at, it was raining heavily, he had tears falling down his face freely as his mind ran wild with useless thoughts.

Jungkook on the other hand, was driving around in his beloved car, music blasting in his ear as he tapped his fingers along with the music, he could see that it was raining heavily but couldn't hear it due to his music.

He drove up the lonely dark road, his lights shining up the street, he caught sight of the sad boy, but couldn't see his face, due to it being hidden underneath the umbrella he was holding closely to his body.

"What would someone be doing out here in this weather?" He questioned but kept driving, he drove past the boy finally catching the sight of the sad boy's face.

He turned to face forward again as he drove, "damn it" he yelled and turned around, he slowed down next to the guy and rolled down the window, "dude, do you want a lift?" Jungkook called out over the rain.

The sad boy keeps walking and ignored him, Jungkook slowly drove next to the guy, "DUDE, DO YOU WANT A LIFT?" He yelled out this time and the guy stopped and turned his head towards Jungkook, "leave me alone" the sad boy called back, "just get in the car would you, your going to get sick" Jungkook wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"I said leave me alone, why is that so hard to understand" the boy sighed and continued to just look at Jungkook and the car, "look, I'm not going to stop asking you if you want a lift, even if I have to drive slowly next to you all the way to wherever it is your walking to" Jungkook explained but realised it sounded a bit creepy.

The boy walked over to the car door and pulled it open before ploping down on the seat, Jungkook smiled, "so where were you heading?" Jungkook asked the guy and the guy just continued to look straight ahead, "just drive, I'll tell you what turns and stuff to take" the guy replied as Jungkook started to drive again.

"You had an umbrella over you and you still managed to get soaked?" Jungkook pointed out and The guy looked down at his hands, "yeah, my co workers slashed the umbrella" Jungkook quickly looked over at the guy.

"I'm Jungkook" Junkook suddenly said, The guy quickly looked over at Junkook, "I'm Jimin" he replied back softly, "turn left at the next corner" Jimin suddenly said and Jungkook done so.

A phone started to ring, Jimin instantly pulling his phone out and answering it, he leaned his head against the window, "Hey Tae" he whispered quietly into the phone hoping Jungkook wouldn't be able to hear him, but he did.

More tears slipped out of his eyes as he talked to his best friend on the phone, "how was work?" He asked knowing it probably didn't go well, Jimin looked out the window as he cried quietly, "it was terrible, I hate it Tae" he says quietly and Tae just sighed.

"Why don't you quit then Minnie?" Tae had asked him, he was concerned for his friend, but he couldn't do anything about it, he had tried to call the owner and explain what was happening but the guy wouldn't listen to him and just hung up, "you know I can't do that, no one else will hire me because the owner will give me a bad name" Taehyung sighed again.

"What did they do this time?" He asked Jimin, he knew they did something to him, they always do, "they slashed my umbrella, they shoved me against the lockers and hit me a few times on my stomach, just the usual things" Jimin explained but left some things out, he felt that taehyung didn't need to know everything they do to him.

"How about your money?" Jimin sighed again, crying a bit more, Jungkook had been listening to everything that Jimin had said, he can hear the guy crying and he felt terrible that he has to go through that, "no" was all Jimin replies back with and Taehyung was furious.

"You wait until I come visit you next" Jimin shook his head, "don't worry about it ok, look I'm really tired, I'm gonna head to bed" he said and Jungkook quickly looked over at him, "oh okay Min, good night" Tae had said sadly and Jimin hung up the phone.

"You shouldn't lie to anyone" Jungkook piped up after he put the phone down, Jimin looked over at him, "turn right at the next corner" Jimin ignored what Jungkook had said and turned back to look out the window.

After a while of Jimin telling Jungkook different directions, Jungkook pulls up in front of a service station, Jimin sighed as he opened the door, "thanks for the lift" he said quietly and closed the door to Jungkooks car and walked away.

Jungkook stay and watched as Jimin walked into the building with his head down, the guy behind the counter staring the smaller one up and down disgustingly, the creep had a smirk on his face as Jimin walked behind the counter and stood at the register next to the older guy.

He watched as the older stepped closer to Jimin, his eyes automatically closing as the guys hand went to his back, Jungkooks hands gripped the driving wheel, the creep was whispering something in Jimin's ear, Jimin shivered at the words being spilled from his rotten mouth.

Jungkook got out of his car, a frown on his face, he walked into the store and both the workers turned towards him, the guys hand still on the younger but lower than his back, Jungkook gripped the keys hard, trying not to rip the guys grubby hands off the guy with the pretty pink hair.

"I need help putting air into my tires and fuel in my car" Jimin nodded his head, "can't you do it yourself?" The older guy asked annoyed and Jungkook shook his head, "fine, I'll come help you, just give me a minute" he said and started to walk around the counter, "no, not you" Jungkook spoke up and they both turned to Jungkook again.

"Him" He gestured towards Jimin, Jimin instantly walked around the counter and followed Jungkook outside, "What are you still doing here?" He asked Jungkook as he started to fill his car up for him.

"The question is what are you doing here? What he is doing to you is sexual harassment" Jungkook raised his voice slightly and Jimin shot him a warning glare, "Well it's none of your business, just stay out of it" Jimin replied back putting the fuel cap back onto Jungkooks car.

"It might not be any of my business, but you obviously don't enjoy working here, so why do you put up with it?" Jungkook asked grabbing Jimin's wrist gently to get his attention, "because this job pays better then all my other jobs and I need the money" Jimin shrugged at Jungkook.

"Yeah, it's because he thinks your pretty" Jungkook crosses his arms across his chest, "and fuckable too, I know, he tells me every shift, just like he tells me that I'm good for nothing other than attracting all the creeps" Jimin doesn't look at Jungkook as he says that.

"Quit" Jungkook said suddenly and Jimin stood up to face him, "did you not hear me? I can't, I need the money" Jimin raised his voice and shoved Jungkook back, "I know you need the money, that's why I'm willing to pay you double just to drive around with me" Jimin laughed at Jungkooks suggestion.

"Yeah right, look kid, I don't know you, I don't need your pity, just get in your car and drive away" Jimin says and Jungkook frowned, "kid? I'm not a kid and there is no way that I'm just going to leave you here with him when you have no customers" Jimin turned back and glared at him, "if you won't quit, I'll just sit and wait for you to finish your shift".

"Whatever, do what you want" Jimin turned around and walked back into the building leaving Jungkook behind in the car park, Jungkook done exactly what he said he would, he sat in his car waiting for Jimin to finish his shift.
A/N: so along first chapter, Yay, I hope you like it, I'm sorry for mentioning sexual harassment and will probably be more.

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