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6 months later

Jungkook rolled over in his bed to look over at the bare back and the now black hair that belonged to his boyfriend.

He leaned over to place his head on the males back and left a gentle kiss, the boy beneath his head started to stir.

"Jeongguk" he mumbled as he tried to turn over, Jungkook smiled at his name coming from the younger.

Jimin finally rolled over and tucked his head into the crook of kook's neck, "good morning baby" Jungoo said happily.

He was excited, his new album that he had been working on had dropped that morning at 12 am and he was nervous yet excited for Jimin to listen to it, as the album was written for the male.

Jimin hummed at him, there was a knock on the bedroom door, then it slowly opened to reveal Hoseok, he had learnt by now not to send Yoongi in to wake them up, they always came out to the kitten covered in water.

"Guys, Yoongi made breakfast and he demanded that you came out to eat" Hoseok said softly with a smile on his face, Jungkook stared at Hoseok for a second.

"He cooked breakfast?" Jungkook asked surprised, Hoseok nodded his head at the brown haired male, Hoseok then smiled before leaving the room.

Jungkook pulled Jimin closer and kissed his forehead, "Come on babe, we better get up" he said softly into Jimin's ear.

The black haired boy nodded his head before sitting up slowly, he was still slowly waking up properly.

"we are still going over to Tae's today?" Jimin asked lowly, his voice deeper than usual from just waking up, Jungkook nodded his hands as he sat up behind Jimin and ran his hands up the males back before placing a kiss on his shoulder.

"We'll have breakfast with Yoongi and Hoseok first, then we can go" Jungkook said to which now Jimin nodded his head.

After the week that Taehyung had stayed with Jimin, after he found out about Jimin's problems he decided to move closer to his best friend, so he could help his bestfriend as much as he can.

Jungkook and Jimin both got up out of bed to get dressed before they went out to the kitchen to see Hoseok and Yoongi already sitting at the table eating.

"I can't believe you cooked" Jungkook teased as he sat down next to Yoongi, the blonde male glared over at his friend "just be grateful you brat" he replied back.

Jimin giggled as he looked down at his plate, he took in a mouthful of food before looking over at Yoongi with a smile on his face "it's good Yoonie" he said softly.

"Thanks Jimin" Yoongi said with a smile on his face, then turns to glare at Jungkook again "at least one person appreciates my cooking" Hoseok lightly smacked Yoongi's arm at that.

The four guys continued to eat their breakfast in a silent but comfortable silence, Jungkook's hand staying on Jimin's thigh the entire time.

They all helped to wash up after they have finished all the food that Yoongi prepared, then went their seperate ways.

Jungkook and Jimin went to their room to get ready to leave for Taehyung's apartment, while Hoseok and Yoongi went to their room to get ready as well.

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