Stay With Me

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Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I have started another story, it's called stay with me, it's a Yoonmin story this time.

This is not the story that I was asking you guys about last time, this is a completely new story and would appreciate it if you would be able to go check it out.

This is not the story that I was asking you guys about last time, this is a completely new story and would appreciate it if you would be able to go check it out

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This is the cover I had made for the story, I have three chapters written so far and currently working on the fourth one.

Just so you get what the story is about, here is the description:

Yoongi accidentally walked down the wrong street, he had stopped a group of kids bullying Jimin, from then Jimin kept walking with him to make sure it wouldn't happen again.

Saving Me || Jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now