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This chapter is purely smut, so if you don't like to read those sorts of things, please wait until I write the next chapter and just skip it or simply don't read.

Jimin gently sucked on Jungkook's tip, Jungkook threw his head back into the pillows and groaned lowly.

Jungkook grabbed a handful of Jimin's hair and was trying to push his head down more onto him, which Jimin followed his silent request as he took more of Jungkook into his mouth.

Jimin's head bobbed up and down, he was also using one of his hands to play with Jungkook's balls.

Jimin began sucking a little harder, adding pressure to Jungkook's cock by pressing his tongue against it and sliding it up and down as his head bobbed.

Jungkook was starting to feel that familiar knotting feeling in the pit of his stomach and knew he was getting closer and closer to his release.

"Holy fuck Jimin, your mouth feels so good" Jungkook's grip on Jimin's hair tightened a little bit, it hurt but it only added onto the pleasure he was feeling so far and had encouraged him to move his head faster up and down.

Jungkook was beginning to lose the tiny bit of control that he was using to stop him from taking Jimin right then and there, he held Jimin's head as still has he could as he began thrusting up into Jimin's mouth making himself enter Jimin's warm wet mouth more.

Jungkook was a groaning mess, with every movement he would let one slip from his mouth.

Just as Jungkook had reached his released, Jimin had swallowed the cum but had some leaking down the sides of his mouth, Jungkook relaxed a little bit and looked up to see Jimin hovering over him.

His hair was sticking up in different directions, his lips were a bit swollen and around his mouth was slicked with saliva and semen, he looked absolutely breathtaking.

"Fuck" Jungkook whispered, he shook his head and wiped up the liquid onto his finger, he showed Jimin and moved it towards his mouth, Jimin gladly sucked it off his fingers while keeping eye contact with Jungkook.

Jungkook pulled Jimin by the neck to join their lips in a heated kiss.

"Please Gukkie" Jimin whined rolling his hips on Jungkook, "please what?" Jungkook teased as he bit into Jimin's shoulder.

"Gukkie, please, fuck me" he whimpered, he grabbed Jungkook's hand and placed it on his hardened cock through his sweatpants.

"Ahhh Kookie" Jimin moaned as his hips sped up, "Gukkie" he was panting hard "please" he was finding it harder to speak as the pleasure rushed over him.

Jungkook flipped the two over, so now he was hovering over Jimin, he was quick to pull his sweat pants off and throw them onto the floor.

He instantly took Jimin's member into his hand and began moving his hand up and down the younger males shaft, Jimin's moans increasing in volume by the second, until it was all you could hear in the room.

"Ahh Guk" Jimin moaned again, Jungkook raised two of his fingers up to Jimin's lips and ran them along the bottom lip until he opened his mouth to suck on the fingers.

He twisted his tongue around the two fingers and sucked them eagerly, Jungkook pulled them back out a couple of seconds later once he thought they were wet enough.

Jimin had his eyes closed, he was trying to control his breathing so he wouldn't just cum right then, he was getting really close and the way Jungkook was touching him right now was just driving him crazy.

Jimin gasped as Jungkook had touched his needy hole with the two slicked fingers, "is this what you wanted?" Jungkook asked as he outlined Jimin's heat with his fingers, Jimin nodded his head furiously wanting him in him already.

Jungkook smirked "words Jiminie, use them" he teased as he pressed against the hole but not entering it just yet, Jimin gasped and threw his head back, "Gukkie, I need you in me" he whined desperately.

Without warning Jungkook had pushed in one of us fingers, another gasp left Jimin's pretty swollen lips but soon followed with a moan, Jungkook pumped his finger in and out of Jimin's hole, his lips moving down taking his cock into his mouth.

Now it was Jungkook's turn to bob his head up and down, his head moving against Jiminie's shaft, his finger thrusting in and out of his needy heat was just driving Jimin over the edge, inching him to his climax and he could feel his eyes rolling.

"Oh my god Jungkook, I'm gonna come" Jimin screamed as he arched his back off the bed and gripped one hand onto the bedsheets and the other into Jungkook's hair.

Jungkook added in another finger and picked up the pace of his bobbing trying to push Jimin more to his release.

With another screamed moan Jimin had climaxed into Jungkook's mouth.

"oh my god Gukkie" Jimin whispered as he went limp once he felt the last bit of the pleasure wash from his body.

Jungkook chuckled, "is that all you can say?" Jungkook asked as he laid down next to Jimin on the bed, Jimin had his eyes closed now, he nodded his head at Jungkook's question.

Jungkook pulled Jimin towards him and wrapped the smaller male in his arms, "I'm so tired now" Jimin mumbles as he presses his face into Jungkook's chest.

"Come on, lets go to sleep" Jungkook whispered as he too was feeling tired and just wanted to sleep.
A/N: okay, so I'm sorry if this is shitty, I wasn't so sure about writing it at first but with the right music and it got a little carried away.

I hope that you like it though, thank you for reading through it all if you did.

I am still deciding if I should write more chapters like this 😊

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