二 ⚠️⁉️❌

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Jungkooks phone started to ring, he pulled it out of his pocket not taking his eyes off Jimin, who is working quietly in the gas station, he answered the phone without looking at who was calling him.

"Dude, where are you at, you went out a while ago to get food?" His roommate said through the phone, "Yoongi, I'm at a gas station, I don't know when I'll get home tonight, can you make sure you hide a key for me outside if I haven't came home before you decide to go to bed" Jungkook watched as the owner of the station had walked past Jimin and slapped his bottom.

Jungkook hit the steering wheel, "keep your hands to yourself you sick fucker" Jungkook yelled out, Yoongi catching everything that just happened, "What was that about?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook sighed angrily.

"This guy was walking in the rain, I was going to keep driving but the guy was crying, you know that gas station across town with that perverted owner that was staring you down, yeah well the guy works here and he lets his boss sexually harass him because he needs the money" Jungkook said with his voice raised, Jimin turned around and caught eye contact with Jungkook.

He could see Jungkook's hand tightened on the steering wheel, he quickly turned around and went back to what he was doing.

"Wait you let someone in your car?" Jungkook shook his head, "yes but that's not the point" Jungkook closely watched as Jimin had walked out the back of the building, "YOU LET SOMEONE IN YOUR CAR" Yoongi yelled through the phone, "look Hyung, I got to go" Jungkook quickly hung up the phone while Yoongi was complaining.

Jungkook un did his seatbelt as he realised that the owner wasn't anywhere in sight, just as Jungkook opened his car door, Jimin came limping out of the store with his head down.

"JIMIN" Jungkook yelled out trying to get his attention but the boy wouldn't lift his head up to look and started to walk down the street.

Jungkook got back in his car and started to drive up to him, he didn't put his seatbelt on this time because he felt like he had to get out once he got to Jimin.

Which, he was right, after asking Jimin plenty of times to get into the car and stopped his car and got out.

He walked over to Jimin and stood in front of him, his hands on Jimin's shoulders stopping him in place, "what happened, did he touch you?" Jimin shook his head at the question and continued to stare down at the ground.

Jungkook leaned down to look at Jimin's face, but Jimin turned it away, "look at me" Jungkook said softly but Jimin didn't listen to him, "Jimin, look at me" he said a little more demanding this time but again he didn't listen.

Jungkook gently grabbed Jimin chin and turned his head so he had full view of Jimin's face, his lip and eyebrow was busted and were bleeding, his eye looked like it was turning black already, "that's it" Jungkook went to go back to the gas station to teach him a lesson.

But, Jimin grabbed his arm gently, "Jungkook" he spoke softly and very quietly, "he can't do this to you Jimin" Jungkook replied back and started to walk again, Jimin went to follow him but his sore leg gave out and he fell over.

Jungkook turned around to see what happened and once he noticed Jimin on the ground clutching his leg he ran back to him, "What did he do to your leg" Jimin had tears streaming down his face, Jungkook looked back at the building then to Jimin, "Come on" Jungkook lifted the boy up and placed him in the passenger seat.

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