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Jungkook and Jimin first stopped at the movie shop, Jungkook dragged Jimin into the store and grabbed every movie that Jimin thought looked interesting, and Jungkook grabbed a few that he wanted to watch with Jimin.

With the stack of movies placed into the back seat of Jungkooks car, Jungkook started to head towards the closest supermarket, he was eager to get back to Jimin's apartment.

Jungkook then proceeded to drag Jimin into the building in front of them, Jimin's poor feet against the cold cement, Jimin pulled back on Jungkooks hand that was wrapped around his own smaller ones, which cause Jungkook to stop walking.

"My feet are cold" Jimin mumbled as he danced from one foot to the other, Jungkook smiled and leaned down in front of Jimin, which caused the younger to look down on Jungkook confused.

"What are you doing, are you okay?" Jimin places a hand on Jungkook's back as he leaned over the bigger boy to see if he was okay, "yes, hop on" he laughed as Jungkook tapped his own back to gain Jimin's attention.

Jimin slowly leaned onto Jungkooks back, his legs spread over his back and Jungkooks arms instantly wrapping around them to hold him on, Jungkook stood up again and continued to walk into the shop.

Everyone in the isles that they walked down kept looking at them and Jimin felt shy, he tried to hide his blushing face in Jungkook's neck but he could still feel the stares on them.

The staring and curious looks they were getting didn't bother Jungkook though as he kept walking through the isles getting random snacks and drinks that he thought the both of them would enjoy.

Once he walked to the checkouts he noticed a familiar face serving them, "Jinwoo?" Jungkook said gaining the bored checkout boy's attention and the cuter one on his back.

"Your eye looks a bit sore" Jungkook commented with a smirk on his face, Jinwoo glared at the pair and Jimin was more embarrassed, he tried to get off Jungkooks back but Jungkooks grip tightened on his legs.

"Guk let me down" Jimin whispered and Jungkook shook his head the slightest bit staring Jinwoo down.

Jimin smiled awkwardly as Jinwoo turned his head to look at Jimin, his head tilting to the side a little bit, his reaction was so different to the way he usually is towards Jimin and it genuinely shocked him.

"Hey Jinwoo, I didn't know you worked here" Jimin tired to make the situation a little less awkward, "Just because you have Jungkook protection you doesn't mean you can talk to me like I am your friend" Jungkook faked a smile as he grabbed the bags of food he had just brought.

"Jinwoo would look so good with matching black eyes, don't you think Jimin?" Jungkook's jaw was clenching as he spoke so sarcastically, "Let's just go Jungkook" Jimin tapped Jungkooks back lightly and Jungkook groaned.

Jungkooks grip loosened on Jimin's legs and he took the opportunity to jump off Jungkooks back, which caused Jungkook to groan again, "Jimin" he whines as he looked at the smaller boy.

Jimin grabbed a couple of the bags and helped him take the bags out to the car, which were also placed on the back seat.

"Now where are we going?" Jimin asked as they both sat in the car, Jungkook turned towards Jimin, "if he still gives you shit at work you tell me, A busted lip would look good with that black eye too" Jimin lightly hit Jungkooks arm and rolled his eyes.

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