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Jungkook sat in a random chair in his backyard as he watched the fire in front of him, he already had drank one bottle of alcohol and was currently sipping on his second one.

Yoongi had gone out to get snacks for the night, Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok were on their way over as they slowly walked to the house, they had even brought more drinks with them, even though Jungkook and Yoongi had already brought a lot earlier in the day.

Jungkook pulled his phone out of his pocket and had a look at the time, "I wonder if Jimin is still at work?" He asked himself and was about to call him but there was a hand placed on his shoulder, "Come on dude, I'm sure your friend is fine" Yoongi speaks up and looks down at the phone in his hands.

Jungkook nods his head and puts the phone back in his pocket, "Jin has been upset lately because you haven't been hanging out" Yoongi says again, Jungkook nods his head, "I can't help it Yoongi, I really do like him, I like being around him" Jungkook whispers but Yoongi heard everything he said.

"We're here" Seokjin calls out as they step out to the backyard, Jungkook just waves his hand towards them and Yoongi looks over at the guys, "What a welcoming greeting" Seokjin comments sarcastically.

The guys casually put their drinks away and sit down around the fire with Yoongi and Jungkook, who is now on his third drink, he said he was going to get wasted and that's exactly what he is doing.

Pretty soon all the guys were just talking, laughing at silly jokes that Jin was throwing out and each male had a bottle in their hands and a pile of empty bottles next to their chairs.

Jungkook put down another empty bottle as he had stood up and stumbled over to where all the drinks were.

He grabbed out a random one and walked over to where Yoongi placed all the snacks, he grabbed a full bag of chips that hadn't been opened, then went back to his seat.

As he was sitting in his seat he opened the bottle of beer and the bag of chips, Jungkook felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

He sighed and stood back up again, "I'm going to the toilet I'm be back soon" he slurred as he walked back inside the house and towards his bedroom, he pulled his phone out and looked at why his phone had vibrated.

He seen he had a missed call so he called the number back, the phone rang for a couple of seconds before it was answered, "Jungkook?" A sniffling voice came through the phone, Jungkook instantly recognised the voice even though he was drunk.

"Jiminie" he said happily, he smiled goofily at the ground as he listened to the males soft voice, "are you okay?" Jimin asked softly, "I've just had a couple of drinks with the guys" he explained quite loudly, "Where are you I'll come pick you up?" Jungkook stood up from his bed and started to look around for his keys.

"NOOO" Jimin yelled through the phone, "Jungkook, your drunk, don't even think about driving" Jimin demanded, Jungkook stopped what he was doing, "I like you Jimin" Jungkook confessed and Jimin went really quiet.

"What?" Jimin whispered a couple of minutes later, "I like you Jimin, like a lot" he confessed again, "I like you too Jungkook" Jimin whispered which caused Jungkook to squeal out happily, a cute giggle spilled through the phone and Jungkook smiled wider.

"Come over?" Jungkook asked and Jimin sighed, he was already heading back to his apartment but turned back around and started to head towards Jungkooks house, "I'm coming now, don't even think about driving anywhere again" Jimin commented before hanging up.

Jungkook threw his phone on his bed and ran back out to the guys that had added a few more empty bottles to their collection next to their chairs.

"Where were you?" Yoongi asked as he noticed Jungkook walking back out with a huge bunny smile on his face, "and why are you smiling like that?" Hoseok asked this time.

"Jimin is coming over" he stated as he sat back down in his chair, Seokjin huffed out a breath of air and started to angrily sip his drink, Jungkook noticed his elders behaviour towards Jimin, "why is that such a bad thing, I'll still be hanging out with you guys" Jungkook tried to convince the others.

"I want you guys to meet each other properly, I really like him" Jungkook said sadly this time as he looked down at his hands, he felt like the others thought that Jungkook was ditching them but he wasn't.

"Why can't you just be happy for me?" He asked as a whisper, the other males sitting around the backyard watching as his eyes became glassy, he looked up and made eye contact with Jin.

Seokjin just sighed and nodded his head, "I am happy for you and I can't say that I don't completely regret the time you and Jimin have been spending time, otherwise I wouldn't have started to date joon" Seokjin slide his hand in Namjoon's hand and the two smiled at each other.

Jungkook smiled at the couple happily, he hopes that him and Jimin are like that one day, even though they already basically are.

The guys continued to drink, Jungkook was impatiently waiting for Jimin, ready to jump up and answer the door when he got here, but when Jimin arrived and knocked on the door no one heard it.

He opened the front door slowly, he could hear laughter and chatting from the backyard, he slowly walked through the house until he seen the open glass back door that leads to the yard where all the guys were.

"Jungkookie?" His soft voice rang through the background, all the guys turned towards the voice, Jungkooks face lighting up instantly, he stood up from his seat and stumbled over to him.

Jungkook hugged the younger male just basically leaning on him, Jimin giggled softly as he felt soft kisses on his neck from Jungkook, "My Jiminie is finally here" he yelled out as he pulled away from the hug, Jimin's cheeks becoming a light pink colour from the blush that spread across them.
A/N: so yeah I don't know if this is a shitty chapter or nah but I hope you like it anyways.

I was going to make this chapter a little more sad but decided against, I might do that later on in the story, probably when you won't expect it which would be all the time because you probably have no idea what I'm talking about.

So I have another Jikook story idea but I am currently writing a fair few so I have also decided to hold that one until I finish one of my stories, I don't want to start writing any more when I am already taking a little extra time to update one of my stories.

But I hope you like this chapter 😊

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