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Jimin had woken up the next morning by himself, he sat up in his bed and looked around his apartment, his eyes then landed on a note that was beside his bed on the bedside table and a phone on top of it.

Jimin picked up the note and the phone, he placed the phone in his lap and started to read the note.

Good morning Jiminie,

I'm sorry I'm not there when you wake up but Yoongi needed me today so I had to leave early, I felt bad that Jinwoo smashed your phone, so I brought you a new one.

My number is already in the phone, so message me when you wake up.


Jimin smiled down at the phone, he picked it back up and pressed the home button, the screen lit up and the lockscreen was a selfie of Jungkook, Jimin giggled at the photo.

"Oh, I better call Taehyung" Jimin quickly dialed the number that he had glued into his brain, which Taehyung had answered after the third ring.

"Hello?" Jimin sighed and relaxed back, "Hey Tae" there was a small squeal of excitement, "oh my baby is alright" Jimin rolls his eyes and giggles, "taehyung" Jimin then whines.

"It only took you a couple of days to call back this time, how did you get a phone that quick?" Taehyung asks and Jimin giggled.

"You know that guy Jungkook I was talking about the last time we talked?" Jimin was starting to feel excited as he talking about Jungkook, Taehyung hums, "Well, we had a little home movie date last night, he gave me the phone, he said he felt bad that Jinwoo smashed mine" Jimin explained to Taehyung.

The two talk for a while longer before Jimin realised he had to get ready for work soon.

"Oh, Jiminie, I have holidays soon from work, so I'm planning to come down and spend sometime with you" Taehyung says excitedly and Jimin formed a smile on his face, "that would be great Taehyung" Jimin smiles wider.

Taehyung and Jimin hang up the phone after saying their goodbyes to each other and Jimin went to go get ready straight after.

As he started to walk towards the store he worked in he pulled the phone out and sent Jungkook a message.

"Thanks for coming in today Kook" Yoongi says as they both sit at Yoongi's computer in his studio, Jungkook shakes his head, "nah it's right Yoongs" he replied back.

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, since he was to focused on the song they were working on he didn't get excited like he had been when he thought Jimin was messaging him.

He looked at the screen quickly and smiled, Jimin, thanks for the phone Jungkookie, was what the message had said, Jungkook smiled down at his phone and stood up from his seat.

"I'll be back soon Yoongi" he says and Yoongi hums, Jungkook walked out of the studio and up to Yoongi's small office and closed the door behind him.

He called Jimin's new phone and the phone was answered straight away, "oh shit, I wasn't meant to answer it that quick" Jimin mumbled and Jungkook chuckled, "why not?" He started to play around with the pens on Yoongi's desk.

"Because then it makes it look like I was waiting for you to call me" Jungkook raised a brow, his smile growing wider, "and were you? Waiting for me?" Jungkook asked as he leaned back in the seat.

There was a cough on the other side of the line, "w-what? No?" Jimin questions himself which caused another chuckle to fall from jungkooks mouth.

"I'm just teasing, Jimin, anyways, I'm sorry I left before you woke up" he apologised again and Jimin rolled his eyes, "it's fine Kook, stop apologising already" Jimin bit his lip as he was wanting to ask something so badly.

"Do you work today?" Jungkook asks a little tensed up as he remembers that he works with Jinwoo, "Yeah I do, I'm heading there now" Jimin said softly, "What time do you finish, I'll pick you up later and we can go get something to eat" Jimin sighs.

"Jungkook" he whined through the phone and Jungkook thought it was the cutest thing, "stop whining, tell me when you finish" Jimin huffed and rolled his eyes again, "fine, I finish 11:15" Jungkook smiled, he nodded his head and wrote down the time.

"Alright, I'll see you then, and remember I gave you those hickeys" Jungkook reminds the boy and they both say goodbye then hang up the phone.

Just as Jungkook puts his phone down the office door opened and all four guys entered into the room, Jungkook waved at the three guys that must have just arrived, they were carrying bags of take away food in their hands.

"Ah Jungkook you brat" Seokjin walks over and slaps him up the back of his head, "you said you were gonna come back last night" Jungkook rubs his head as he glares up at Jin.

"I was going to but Jimin asked me to stay with him" the guys raised a brow, "who is Jimin?" Hoseok asked as he sat down on the lounge across the room.

"He is that pink haired boy that came out of Jungkooks room the other day" Yoongi butted in as he sat down next to Hoseok and started to eat his food with him.

"You seem to be all about him these last couple of days Jungkook" Namjoon says as he sits in a seat across from Jungkook, Jungkook nods his head, "I like him, a lot" he admits and the guys nod their heads in understanding, "well you still gotta spend some time with us too butthead" Seokjin piped up as he sat next to Namjoon and held his hand.

Jungkook raised a brow at the action and looked between the two, "hold on a second, what's this?" He points to the two hands entwined, "if you hung around us more you would know that me and Namjoon started to date" Jin snapped a little bit as he glared at Jungkook.

He was quite upset that the five of the guys hadn't hung out properly lately, Yoongi because of work, Jungkook because he has been with Jimin and god knows what Hoseok has been up to.

So while Namjoon and Seokjin would hang around each other more with just the two of them, they started to develop feelings for each other and soon started to date.

"Well how about next Friday, all five of us just have a fire at the back of our place with a heap of drinks and get wasted like we use too?" Jungkook asks a mischievous grin on his face, all the guys turned to look at him as their faces lit up.

"Sounds good, I'm in" Seokjin was the first one to speak up, then the other three followed behind him with 'me too'.
A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is pretty shitty, but I needed to put in some important future events in for the story, plus I updated a new story so I felt like I had to update this one as well.

But I hope you still like it, if not, I don't blame ya because I thought it was quite crappy 😊

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