五 ⚠️⁉️

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Trigger warning-

Jungkook had angrily sat out the front of the gas station for hours and was waiting for Jimin to finish his shift, because there was a good chance that something would happen again this week.

Jimin had just said goodbye to his boss and walked out the back to the small locker room, he was getting his casually clothes out of the locker to get changed into, he felt a hand get placed on his back, Jimin just froze on the spot.

He was spun around and pressed against the locker, he looked up frantically into the eyes of his creepy boss, he staring the boy down slowly, his dirty hands roughly dug into Jimin's sides.

"W-what are you doing?" Jimin asked stuttering a bit and struggling to find air, "shut up boy" his boss husked out, Jimin's eyes started to well up with tears, his bosses hands started to wonder, which made Jimin feel extremely uncomfortable.

"S-stop it" he said softly, the old guy placing a quick kiss on his neck, Jimin tried to move away but he couldn't, his tears started to trail down his cheeks, "stop" he said again but this time his boss started to suck on Jimin's skin.

Jimin let out a sob, he pushed on the elders chest, trying to push him away, Jimin's tears were falling quicker now, his stomach turning, he could feel his sickness rising.

The elders hands went up Jimin's shirt, his fingers running up Jimin's skin disgustingly, Jimin tried to urgently remove his hands but it earned a smack up the back of the head, which was extremely hard and had Jimin feeling lightheaded afterwards.

Jungkook hadn't seen either of them for a couple of minutes and it made Jungkook feel sick, he got out of his car to look around more for Jimin, but he still couldn't see him.

He entered the station and looked around there too, "Jimin?" Jungkook called out, but he got no reply so he started to walk towards where he seen Jimin last, which seemed to lead out the back of the store.

Jungkook could hear Jimin's cries coming from behind a door, he walked over and turned the handle but the door wouldn't open, so he stepped back and kicked it, it swung open and felt instantly sick at the scene in front of him.

Jimin sobbing his eyes out, the guy with his hands all over Jimin, Jungkook walked over and grabbed the creeps shoulders and pulled him away, he threw his fist straight into his face.

The elder stumbled back, his hand going up to his nose, blood rushing out of it, "go wait in the car Jimin" Jungkook said keeping his eyes trained on the creep in from of him.

He grabbed Jimin to stop him from going anywhere, it angered Jungkook more and threw another punch to his left side of his face, the older guy laughed as he felt his eye and brow.

"Stay away from him you sick fuck" Jungkook yelled at the man in front of him before walking out of the store out to his car.

He got in and started to drive away from the place, Jimin was in the passenger seat, still crying as much as he was in the back room, "Jiminie" Jungkook said softly as he quickly looked over at Jimin.

Jimin was finding it harder to breath by the second, his breathing became heavy, he was choking on his own tears and he hated this feeling.

Jungkook noticed how much Jimin was struggling, he pulled over the car on the side of an empty road, he got out and quickly walked around to open Jimin's door.

Jimin stumbled out of the car and straight into Jungkook, Jungkook was hugging him as he continued to cry uncontrollably, Jungkook even shedding a few of his own tears as he rocked back and forth with Jimin as they sat on the ground.

"Ssh, it's okay, I'm not going to let him hurt you" Jungkook tried to calm him down, he ran his fingers through Jimin's hair gently, he wanted to kiss the younger on his head but he held back from it, simply because he didn't want to scare him to much.

"Come on, how about we get you home?" Jungkook asked after Jimin's tears slowed down a bit, Jimin just shook his head, he was exhausted and extremely tired now, his eyes were slowly closing on him, "I don't want to go home, don't want to be alone" he mumbled as he hid his face in Jungkook's shirt.

Jungkook nodded his head, "that's okay, we can go to mine if you want?" Jungkook whispered and Jimin nodded his head, they sat there for a couple of more minutes, until Jimin started to shiver.

Jungkook gently picked Jimin up and placed him down in the back seat so he could lay down, since the younger had seemed to fall asleep against Jungkook.

He got back into the drivers seat and drove back to his and Yoongi's place, once he pulled into the driveway Jungkook pulled out his phone and called his roommate.

"Do you know what time it is?" His roommate asked angrily as he answered the call, "Yoongi, I need you to come out the front" Jungkooks tone held completely seriousness and Yoongi knew something was up, "I'll be out there in the second then".

Jungkook was already at his back door of his car, he watched as his front door to his house was opened and Yoongi came walking out and down to Jungkook, Jungkook handed Yoongi the keys to his car.

"I need you to close the door and lock my car" Jungkook said quietly as he opened the back door and picked Jimin up again, the younger still sleeping, quiet sobs coming from him as he slept.

Yoongi frowned as he looked at the pink haired boy in Jungkook's arms, but he closed the door and locked the car up like Jungkook asked of him, Yoongi also walked up to the house before Jungkook to open the front door for him, then his bedroom door.

He stood in the doorway of Jungkooks room as he watched his roommate tuck the stranger into his bed, Jungkook walked out of the room with Yoongi in follow, "What happened, he looked like a mess" Yoongi stated truthful.

"It was that creepy gas station owner, I walked in to find him all over Jimin" Jungkook explained what happened to Yoongi as he sat down on the lounge, his head in his hands and his eyes closed.

"he didn't want to be alone tonight, I hope you don't mind me bringing him here, I should have asked first" Yoongi shook his head at Jungkook and sat down next to him, "nah I don't mind Jungkook, this is your house too" Yoongi said and patted the younger's back, "I'm going back to bed now" Yoongi said and stood up again and walked back to his room.

Jungkook was sat in the same spot staring off at nothing, then he heard Jimin's crying and he quickly stood up and ran into the room, he sat down on the bed next to Jimin, "Jiminie, it's okay, I'm here, your safe"

"Jungkook? H-he tried to- he tried to t-" Jungkook sighed, "I know, Ssh, it will be okay" Jungkook pulled Jimin up to his chest and hugged him tightly.

Jimin cried hard into Jungkook's chest soaking his shirt, which he honestly didn't care about at that moment, and he ended up staying like that until Jimin had fallen asleep against him.
A/N: the start of this chapter is a bit of a trigger and I'm sorry for mentioning it but unfortunately it does happen even to the sweetest of people, I'm sorry if I have upset anyone.

More nicer chapters are to come 😊

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