Chapter 2

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Danny's P.O.V

You'd think for 5 guys who are together probably 275 days out of the year we would get tired of being around each other. That's not the case with us.

The most we've been without all hanging out has been a couple days. And that's only because we all wanted sex. If it hadn't been for that, we'd have hung out that entire break too.

Truth is, I give these guys hell a lot, but I honestly don't know where I'd be without them. They've got me through so much. I'm alive today because of them.

It wasn't long until we heard a key in the door and James quickly pushed the door open and somehow managed to close it with his foot.

I couldn't help but laugh at the drummer. He had cases of beer in each hand and a couple of bags too. We could tell he was struggling to keep from dropping them.

"Would you like some help there, James?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

James laughed and nodded quickly "yes, hurry up douche. I'm going to drop it all." He said.

I grabbed the cases and headed into the kitchen, setting them next to the stuff Cameron and Sam had brought.

"Hey, if everyone is planning on drinking, you know the drill." Ben started, holding up the clear plastic bowl. "Keys go in here."

Everyone nodded and dropped their keys in the bowl.

"Now its a slumber party!" Ben giggled, earning a laugh from the others.

Soon everyone had a drink in hand and as always the night seemed to run away with us. We never could keep track of time when we were drinking.

"When are you gonna get you someone, James?" Cameron asked, finishing one beer and opening another.

James shrugged. "I haven't really given it much thought" he started, "hell, we're gone so much, I don't really have time for anyone." He said.

Cameron frowned "there's got to be someone you're interested in. Even just a little bit."

James laughed. "I mean, there's a couple of people I think are hot, but that doesn't mean I want to be with them...or anyone else for that matter."

"We just want you to be happy." I said, taking Bens hand in my own.

"I am happy." He started, I get to travel around the world doing what I love with my best friends. What more could I possibly need?"

"Alright guys, leave him alone." Ben smiled, giving my hand a light squeeze "when he finds the right person he'll know it and then it'll be amazing." He said as he turned his attention to me.

James sighed softly as he took another drink from his beer "you guys are lucky. You never have to be without the person you love. They're with you all the time."

"True. But, it can be hard sometimes too." Sam started. "Like, we get on each other's nerves a lot. Cause we don't get that time apart. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change a thing, but you know what I mean."

Cameron nodded, slipping an arm around Sam, pulling him closer. "I love you." He said.

Sam smiled, snuggling close to the other man "I love you too."

It made me happy to see my brothers happy. We'd find James someone soon.

I began to find it hard to keep my eyes open and soon Ben was telling me to come to bed.

I nodded and after telling everyone goodnight, followed behind Ben to our bedroom.

Had I of known that would be one of our last times together as a family, I would have never went to bed that night.

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