Chapter 5

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James' P.O.V

"How did this happen?" I asked, looking at the doctor. "He was just can he be gone now?" The tears were streaming down my cheeks, and now I didn't bother to wipe them away.

"That's why we keep patients here for observation." He began "Cameron suffered from serious respiratory complications. Each time he went back into the house, it got worse. I'm so sorry, I know you lost another friend already."

I nodded, trying my best to keep it together for Sam and Ben. Both who were falling apart right in front of me. I didn't know what to do.

Sam finally made his way to the bed, running his fingers through Cameron's hair. He laid his head against Cameron's chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Could we have a few minutes alone, please?" I asked, watching the scene unfold in front of me.

The doctor nodded. "Yes, of course." He said as he headed for the door. "If you need anything, please let us know."

I nodded, taking a deep breath as Ben and I watched Sam break down in front of us. Ben glanced at me and took my hand, pulling me closer to the bed with him.

Sam's small frame shook with every sob that ripped through his body and my heart was breaking for him. I wondered how Ben was holding it together as good as he was.

Ben cleared his throat, looking down at our brother. "Cam, I don't know why this bad shit keeps happening to us. First Danny..." He began, his voice trailing off for a moment "Now you. This isn't fare. You both should be here now. We should be at home, drunk off our asses and stumbling to our rooms. We shouldn't be in a hospital saying goodbye for the second time tonight" He said, tears flowing freely from his eyes.

I swallowed hard, trying hard to keep it together. I didn't want to fall apart. Not when they needed me the most.

Sam began hitting the bed, hard, screaming into Cameron's chest. Ben jumped carefully grabbing Sam by his shoulder "Sam?" He said softly. "Sam, please. Let us help you." He pleaded.

Sam lifted his head to look at us for a moment, shaking his head "No one can help me now." He started, "Cameron's gone. They might as well kill me too because I'm nothing without him." He cried.

"Sam, please don't talk like that!" I shouted.

He shook his head and leaned in once more, this time pressing his lips against Cameron's slowly. He let his touch linger there for a moment, still running his fingers through the dark locks. "He's my world." He started softly "How can you go on when the one person who loved you more than anything else is gone?" He asked.

I didn't know the answer to that. I wasn't even sure if Ben knew how to answer that one.

"You get through it with your friends and family." Ben said, placing a comforting hand against the bassists back.

We sat there the rest of the time in complete silence. The only sound heard was sniffling, and our cries for our brother.

There was soon a knock on the door and a couple of men entered the room. "They're here to take the body." The nurse said, trying to still give us some room.

"He has a name!" Sam shouted. "His name is Cameron and you're not taking him anywhere!"

This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all.

"Sam, Sam let the men do their job." I began, trying to gently pull him off of Cameron's tall frame.

Sam shook his head and managed to get out of my grip. "Get your fucking hands off me!" He screamed.

Ben sighed and shook his head, "Can you give us another minute?" He asked.

"Just a few more then we have to take him." they replied as they stepped outside, shutting the door behind them."

"Sam, bro" Ben began softly "You know you have to let him go. I know it's hard. Believe me. I just had to do the same thing. It's not easy and it hurts like hell, but you have too."

Sam cried, burying his face in the curve of the other man's neck. "I can't, Ben. I can't let him go. He's such a part of me. I don't know how to let go." He cried.

"Sam, Ben and I are both here. We're here and we're not going anywhere. We've been through hell tonight and lost two people who we all loved more than we probably ever told either of them. We can do this. I know we can. But, we have to do it together. All 3 of us. If I have too, I'll take care of both of you. I love you both so much, and I know you're hurting. It's killing me too. But, I'm trying my hardest to stay strong. So I can be there for you and Ben. And I will. Cameron will always be with you. Always. He loved you with all of his heart and soul, Sam. He talked about it all with me. You made him a better person. Made him whole. Now, please, let me, let us help you." I said. I didn't know where all that came from, all I knew was that by the end, we were all in tears again.

The men came back for the body and I took a breath and watched as Sam pressed another kiss to Cameron's lips before sliding off the bed, watching as they pulled the sheet up and over his face before rolling the bed out of the room.

"He's gone..." Sam cried.

I wrapped my arms around Ben and Sam and we stood in that hospital room and cried.

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